辯論題救命,學生應該有part time job?

2008-02-29 12:30 pm
題目係:Students should have a part time job.





回答 (2)

2008-02-29 1:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.strengthen student's ability in time management for both study and work
2.increase a student's sence of responsibility (if he doesn't do well his job, he might be fired)
3.understand earning money is not as easy as youngster think
4.help to ease a student of his family's financial difficulties
5.let him learn some interpersonal skills
6.let him be ready to work in the real world after graduation

1.Distract a student from his study
2.increase the risk of making friends with bad guys from job
3.possibilty of reducing his rest time when need to handle study and work
4.if he thinks the part time job may let him earn much money, he might underestimate the market's real need of highly educated people, and he might give up continous study after some time.

Addition point: part time job---depends on the nature of the job. You might develop your points by making assumptions on a good nature part time job.
參考: myself
2008-03-01 6:46 am
咩係students?中學生?大學生?連小學生都可以係student,咁到底邊一種students should have a part time job?學生定義得好,下面就易打好多.
跟住點先係一個學生should do既事?學業進步?學識做人道理?定係會考合格呢?如果一個學生會考唔溫書都一定合格,咁佢應唔應該做part
time? 如果相反,一個學生死溫都唔合格,咁佢又應唔應該做Part time呢?
參考: 自己

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