Eng to Chi pls

2008-02-29 12:29 pm
Can I ask a question please?
Did u ever think of getting closer with me?
Just had a feeling want to know as I had an impression the way from you. I mean just a feeling you left on me all it is.
If u did, I didn't want to lose you without giving you the same.

回答 (2)

2008-02-29 2:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你給我的印象就是你從沒這樣想過, 所以我很想知道.
如果你也想我們彼此更近, 在我沒有把我所有的都給你之前, 我真的不想失去你.

2008-03-01 10:14 am
Yes, as the speaker is Turkish.
The most confused me is the 3rd statement, he means I left him the feeling want to be with him or "你給我的印象就是你從沒這樣想過" ?

Thx a lot!

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