用左驗孕test device........好奇怪

2008-02-29 11:42 am

我等左at least 2分鐘,有條好淺好淺既線0係"test" 0個行
之後再過10分鐘 條線只係深左小小0係個底度,好似漸變咁

如果control 0個條線係有10個深色既話
咁test 0個條線有1-2個深色


好worry...plz help me....

回答 (3)

2008-03-04 12:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
係, 無輪條線深定淺, 有線就係有! 無線未必係無!
我嗰時都好淺色, 一個星期後都係, 医生衰到話我bb無咗
參考: 我做化驗架!
2008-03-01 8:57 am
冇錯, 你好大好大機會有左bb , 我都係遲左一日M唔放心買驗孕棒驗, 當其時只得好淺的一條線, 但隔多三日再驗就清楚小小, 過多10日去 doctor度驗, 都等左好耐先證實. doctor話最早期有左會幾難驗架.
參考: 親身經驗
2008-02-29 12:40 pm
U don't have to worry.
This is common to happen like that.

Basically, u r not 有左bb, as the control bar represning the test gone thro successfully. Normally the Testing bar will have lighter colour(10個深色) as the test designed based on several Femal hormones, so, the main hormones to test for are not strong enough in this test result.

So why it(test 0個條線有1-2個深色) will be that? as the response from other female hormones normally.

BUT, the result will be varied base on the concentration of yr hormones. Which means u still get the chance of 有左bb, eg too soon for the test then the hormones will not concentration enough.

Personally, suggest u to test it again in 2-3 days or up to 1 week later. And if still worry, pls go to see doctor (even they give the same test to u, but they can have more clinical assessment)

Sorry reply in Eng, but hope u can get it (as can't ype Chi). Take care

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