” 請問個位有無人的 ” 英文點講 ?

2008-02-29 8:57 am
如何譯成英語 ?
1. 請問個位有無人的?
2. 有人的 !
3. 沒有人的 !

回答 (5)

2008-02-29 5:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
there are actually several ways to ask this

a. Excuse me, is this seat taken?
b. Excuse me, is anybody taking this seat?
c. Excuse me, is this seat free?

to answer if the seat IS free:
a. No
b. No
c. Yes, go ahead.

answer if the seat IS NOT free:
a. Yes.
b. Yes.
c. I'm afraid not....
2008-03-02 6:32 am
1. Excuse me. Is this seat being occupied?
2. Yes.
3. No.
2008-02-29 8:17 pm
1. 請問個位有無人的?
1. asked this seat does have the person?

2. 有人的 !
2. some people!

3. 沒有人的 !
參考: Yahoo聰明筆
2008-02-29 9:24 am
just give an opinion,
the second answer is great and formal,
but if u use that in hk or asian countries, not many will understand,
so i prefer the first answer..and that is right too~
2008-02-29 9:05 am
1. 請問個位有無人的?
is this seat free?
2. 有人的 !
no, it is not free
3. 沒有人的 !
yes, it is free. pleaes be seated
參考: myself

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