懇請各位英文高手請幫幫小弟 10分 中譯英(急)

2008-02-29 5:27 am
如果這天真的要來臨, 我便要好好珍惜和所愛的人相聚的每一刻, 對他們講出心底話, 鼓勵他們往後要好好活每一天, 其實能活著, 有生命氣息不是必然的事, 生命可以片刻間失去, 明天會如何沒有人真的知道, 所以人活著, 本來就要好好珍惜每一天, 其實不一定等最後一天才去珍惜, 才去講心底話, 每一天都是新的, 每一天都是重要的, 每一天都可以活得有意義的, 這樣, 縱然人要驟然失去, 都不會那麼容易有遺憾!.....

回答 (5)

2008-02-29 5:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
If this is naive must approach, each quarter which I then must
treasure well with which loves the person gather, mentions the moral
nature speech to them, will encourage them to have to live well in the
future every one day, actually will be able to live, will have the
life breath will not be the inevitable matter, the life may the moment
lose, how will be able nobody really to know tomorrow, therefore the
person will live, originally will have to treasure well every one day,
actually as soon as will not grade last the talent to treasure, only
then will deliver the moral nature speech, every one day all will be
new, every one day all will be important, Every one day all may
exactly significant, like this, even if the person must suddenly lose,
all cannot be that easy to have the regret! .....
2008-03-04 3:08 am
If this day really must come, I want treasuring carefully and every quarter when the persons loved met, tell the of bottom of heart them, encouraging them to live every day carefully backward, can in fact live, it is not the certainty to have life breath, the life can lose for a moment, how will nobody will really know tomorrow, so people live, treasure every day carefully soon originally, might not is it treasure last day to wait for in fact, just go and say the of bottom of heart is new every day, is important every day, can live meaningfully every whole day, so, even if people should lose suddenly, it will not be so apt to have regret! .....
2008-02-29 7:32 am
haha! seems 2 me is a debate in here~i want 2 try 2~
i'm not band 1 student, n even very bad at school,
but i study in australia, not quite well though, just have a go^^~

If the particular day comes, I will value highly on every moment that spending with the people I love, say the words that I love them, cheer them on living great everyday.
It is not consequential that you breathe and heartbeating, It can just gone and without notice, no body would know what happens tomorrow, so everyone should treasure everyday while they're still breathing, that's no reason just to value your time in the last day, to say what you never have the brave to say.
everyday renews, everyday important, everyday has a meaning, so, if the god wants to take back your life, you won't feel sorry.

probably not as good as the band 1 student, n i changed a little bit content from ur passage, pls dont mind^^
(p.s: u seems u're going death, if so, dont think 2 much, life is just a thing, u'll keep ur life in another place, god bless u^^)

2008-02-28 23:45:43 補充:
(do not to give up?what happens goes on?everyday are?)holy crap~!
god damn, that's the band 1 student? can u tell me where u study, i won't let my children study in there~
sorry guys, i dont want to be such a bustard, but i just can't put up with that "band 1" person=v=

2008-03-06 23:03:09 補充:
hahaa!! man, just leave him along, i saw the vote, those guys are blind~
if they did really check his stuff out, they wont vote him i suppose~
參考: experience of english
2008-02-29 6:47 am
If this day is really coming. We should treasure the moment with who we love. Encourage them to live well everyday. In fact, we can be alive is very lucky. Moments of life can be lost. We dont know what tomorrow will be happened. So we should treasure every minute we have. Dont regret at the last moment that you never told people whats in your deep heart. Everyday is a new day and everyday we have is important. We can have a meaningful life. Thus, even if we will lost our life in one day. We would not regret.

樓上brand one既朋友都有小小grammer mistake,

2008-03-03 02:01:10 補充:
請問if..點解要加" " 呢?又唔係講緊野..
encourage點解唔加to.. 記唔記得老師教過第1個verb唔使加to o家..
alive係生存..can be alive...呢個已經change to noun.NOT adjective this time
點解dont唔打做don't..因為( ' )呢個符號會變左亂碼
其實so已經included so that個meaning..加多個that只會令sentence變得長氣


2008-03-03 02:01:18 補充:
to 004... 我都係係australia wo...我係melbourne..你呢?
我可以幫你答埋.. 因為我地係呢度讀書..
講會多過寫... 所以會比較口語

2008-03-03 18:51:44 補充:
意見to 002:
1.If that day is coming, (I will treasure the people that I love every minute) . every minute係多左..如果你要加every minute..就要係i will treasure every minute with the people that i love. 因為你放左個every minute係最後唔make sense

2008-03-03 18:52:06 補充:
2.I will tell them (something come) from my heart. something???係咪想講"說話"? 可以用some words/ some feelings.. 唔可以用come..from my heart已經包括埋come.多餘左
3.tell them (do not to) give up their wonderful lives. do not=don't後面唔使加to or你可以用not to instead of do not to.

2008-03-03 18:52:17 補充:
4.We can (life) here, life=生命(noun).. live=生存(verb). this should be verb
5.No one will know what happens (goes on). goes on=continue.. 唔可以咁用.. 可以用next代替
6.So that, we must live forever, we must treasure our (lives) forever too 今次要用life

2008-03-03 18:52:22 補充:
7.Our (lives) will update everyday... lives should change to life
8.(Than), if someone miss his life suddenly, he will not be too regret. than should change to then.. then=之後

2008-03-09 01:06:17 補充:
he really insult to those band 1 student..
2008-02-29 5:45 am
If that day is coming, I will treasure the people that I love every minute . I will tell them something come from my heart, tell them do not to give up their wonderful lives. We can life here, is a fine affair for us. No one will know what happens goes on. So that, we must live forever, we must treasure our lives forever too. Our lives will update everyday, and everyday are all important and meaningful. Than, if someone miss his life suddenly, he will not be too regret.

有少少野我改咗...但系5会失去你想要既意思...5好怀疑我既GRAMMER, 我系個Band1 student, 应该无咩可能错太多...

2008-02-28 21:48:11 補充:
001既回答有D GRAMMER 同标点上既错误! 请问你有无消化过架?

2008-03-01 21:09:59 補充:
003(楼下个位...)你话我有少少错,我5反对. 但系你知5知你自己错咗D咩啊?
我觉得你都有少少错,我想同你讲番,如果你觉得我有错,你都可以同我讲, 我地大家都可以学到野, 5系几好咩?(可能我系涕错, 同埋只系我既意见,可能我地2个既文法有少少5同拉~)

2008-03-01 21:10:08 補充:
第一句系5系应该将ready 改为already好d呢?
If个句同之后个句 既句子, 系5系应该用","连住距地好d呢?
So we should treasure every minute we have系5系应该系we字前面加番that呢?
whats 系5系应该改为what's呢?
你差5多都系错E d... 以上意见只系本人既个人看法, 未必全对,敬请留意!

2008-03-01 21:10:54 補充:
004, 点解你有D口语既?

2008-03-03 20:07:56 補充:

lives---> 我既意思系life既复数...(我记得老师有同我讲过E样,所以我先写出黎)
參考: 自己, 自己

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