放心啦, 小弟自己譯架, 我是不太喜歡用翻譯器的
這篇報道說台灣一所大學創立了一個以洗廁所為主的社團。這個社團搞了一次清潔活動,我們估不到有那麼多人參與這次活動, 因為我們認為年輕人都不肯做辛苦的事,尤其是女孩子,因為他們雖要保護她們的手,但事實與這我們的想法相反,參加這次活的人有男孩,女孩,也有校長,大學教授等等。
This report is about an association which is setup by a university in Taiwan. The association aims at "Cleaning Toilet". This association has held a cleaning compaign, there are many people join in the campaign -- we do not believe in it. It is because we thought the youth was not wiling to do the hard job, especially girls, who needed to take care on their hands. However, the fact is just the opposite. Not only boys and girls join in the compaign, but also including the principal and university professors, etc.
Through this campaign, the students have learnt they should start by the minor matter. They have got the reward only after they paid for it. They are also grateful to the school staff, who have been cleaning toilet for them, and their mother, who often cleans the toilet in their home.
這篇報道說澳門學生不喜歡物理科,他們喜歡語文,英文,數學等。主要原因有三個:第一,物理科是自然科學.很多人很難理解,最後決定放棄 ; 第二 , 在澳門,有些學校不夠物理老師,所以導致教學質量很差,第三,澳門賭場正急需人手,就算他們不考大學也能找到一份好工,所以很多人因為學不好物理科就決定去賭場工作了。
This reports is about the student in Macau do not like Physics, they like languages, English, Mathematics, etc. There are three main reasons: Firstly, Physics is a natural science subject and it is difficult for some people and even finally give up it; Secondly, there are not enough Physics teacher in Macau, therefore it leads to the quality of teaching very poor; Thirdly, there are many job vacancies in Macau casinos, even if they cannot study in university, they can still find a good job, hence many people decided to work in the casinos because they have not stuided Physics well.