
2008-02-29 3:14 am

回答 (2)

2008-02-29 3:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
台 北 代 表 處
台 北 市
松 山 區 敦 化 北 路 一 七 零 號
宏 泰 世 界 大 廈
十 二 樓 A1 室
(8862) 2713 0123
2008-02-29 8:06 pm
Yes....taiwan has many hk bank as well...
but I want to remind you which is they work for commercial only...not like hk...for local customer...

if you need to open an acc. , you will open an acc. from their post office...
don't worry...Hong Kong amd Macau student club will help you
參考: grad from Taiwan

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