Maths Question, please help!!

2008-02-29 1:17 am
How to solve this equation? Find the two real solutions of:
x^6 - 198x^3 + 1 = 0

Thank you very much!!:)

In answer 2, How to convert X = (99+(9802)^1/2))^1/3 to (8)^1/2 + 3 ???

回答 (2)

2008-02-29 2:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~As follows~


2008-03-05 00:08:40 補充:
Please refer to
參考: ME, ME
2008-02-29 1:49 am
x^6 - 198x^3 + 1 = 0
By applying the formula, you can get the values of x.
After then, take 1/3 root to the values, you can get the answers.
參考: me

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