
2008-02-29 12:40 am
獎牌於在距離奧運第500天(即2007年3月27日)時公佈[19],獎牌柔合了中西文化的特點﹕它的背面鑲嵌了中國傳統雙龍蒲紋璜圖案的玉壁(金牌是白玉、銀牌是青白玉、銅牌為青玉)[20],背面中央在金或銀或銅質地的金屬(採用智利金屬[21])上鐫刻著北京奧運會的會徽。這是奧運獎牌首次使用金屬以外的物料製作。而正面為國際奧委會規定的希臘勝利女神和希臘潘納辛納科競技場(Panathinaiko Stadium,首屆現代奧運會舉行場地)。由於過往奧運會獎牌在設計上沒有太大的突破,因此此屆奧運獎牌為奧運歷史上帶來重要的象徵意義。奧運會獎牌設計--「金玉佩」主要設計者、中央美術學院設計學院、建築學院黨總支書記王沂蓬,從2006年的7月開始,當中央美院奧運藝術中心贏得獎牌設計競標,直到2007年3月27日,只有王沂蓬以及他的一名助手,知道獎牌設計的具體進展情況和最終定稿[22]。而6000面的獎牌將會於明年的3月至4月完成[23]。


回答 (3)

2008-02-29 12:49 am
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The medal to in is away from Olympic Games 500th days (namely on March 27, 2007) time announces.
The medal supply gathered the China and the West culture characteristic ﹕ its back to mount Chinese tradition double Long Puwen the semi-annular jade pendant design jade wall (gold medal is Baiyu, silver medal is blue Baiyu, bronze medal for sapphire).
Back central (uses the Chilean metal) in Jin eitheryin or the copper quality of material metal.
On engraves the Beijing Olympic Games' conference symbol. This is the Olympic Games medal uses outside the metal for the first time the material manufacture. But the frontage the Greek victory goddess and Greek Xin Nak'o which stipulated for IOC the sports arena (Panathinaiko Stadium, the first session modern Olympic Games holds location). Because passing Olympic Games medal in design not too big breakthrough, therefore this session of Olympic Games medal brings the important symbolic significance for the Olympic Games history in. The Olympic Games medal design -- "the golden jade pendant" the main designer, the central fine arts institute designs the institute, building institute general party branch Secretary Wang Ip'eng, from 2006 in July start, when Art of the Olympic Games art center wins the medal design to compete the sign, until 2007 March 27, only has Wang Ip'eng as well as his assistant, knew the medal design the concrete progress situation and finally finalizes a manuscript.
But 6,000 medals will be able from March to complete in the next year to April.

2008-02-28 16:50:26 補充:
The Beijing Austria committee declared that, the medal vivid annotation expression Chinese nation "to the jade compared Germany" the values. Medal diameter 70 millimeters, depth 6 millimeters. At the same time, the medal ribbon is composed by the weave, Zhu cloud grain.

2008-02-28 16:50:32 補充:
The medal packing box for the China traditional process manufacture wooden paint box, the square modelling, the world covers nearby the fours slightly to assume the arc, explains the world four directions, six gathers content meaning.
參考: yahoo
2008-02-29 12:51 am
Medals from the Olympic Games in the first 500 days (March 27, 2007), published [19], with the medal Sophie cultural characteristics: its back inlaid traditional Chinese Po Sang Yong Yu-Wen Huang pattern of the wall (gold medal Bai is silver white jade green is, for the bronze medal Jingyu) [20], in the back of the gold or silver or copper in the metal (using metal Chile [21]), engraved with the emblem of the Beijing Olympic Games. This is the first Olympic medals use of materials other than metal production. And positive provisions of the International Olympic Committee for the Greek goddess of victory and Greece Bonaxinnake Arena (Panathinaiko Stadium, the first modern Olympic Games venues). Olympic medals in the past do not have much in the design breakthrough, this session of Olympic medals for the Olympic Games in the history brings an important symbolic significance. Olympic medal design - "Yuh-pei of the" principal architects of the Central Academy of Fine Arts School of Design, School of Architecture Party Branch secretary Wang Yi Peng, from July of 2006, when the Central Academy of Arts Arts Centre won the Olympic medal design bidding, until March 27, 2007, only Wang Yi Peng, and one of his assistants, that the specific design of medals progress and finalized [22]. And the 6000 will of the medals in next year's March to April to complete [23].

Beijing Olympic Committee claimed that the medals image interpretation expression of the Chinese nation "De-than" values. Medals diameter of 70 mm, 6 mm thick. At the same time, the medals from Woven Ribbon composition, Zhu and moire. Medals packaging technology for the production of traditional Chinese wooden Qian, the Quartet modeling, space-slightly curved edges, Yu world Quartet, Liuhe good plan.
2008-02-29 12:47 am

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