Amath - Inequality...

2008-02-28 10:27 pm
Solve y/(y-2) <= 2

The solution says that it divides into 2 cases.

Case 1, y>2
then the inequality becomes
y <= 2(y-2)

Case 2, y<2
then the inequality becomes
y >= 2(y-2)

Why it is needed to do so? why the inequality sign becomes <= in Case 1
and becomes >= in Case 2?

回答 (2)

2008-02-28 11:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Case 1, for y>2 , (y-2)>0-----and the inequality sign remains unchanged
Case 2, y<2 ,(y-2)<0 and the inequality sign changes
Why we need to divid into 2 case is to ensure the denominator is either positive or negative and hence to determine the inequality sign !!!

[Note , if a>b then -a<-b]
2008-03-03 4:58 am
The key is, if you have multiply a negative number on both sides, the inequality sign change direction.

One obvious example is.
1 < 2 and -2 > -4

A more clever way to solve this is:

y/(y-2) <= 2
y(y-2) <= 2(y-2)^2
y^2 - 2y <= 2y^2 - 8y 8
y^2 - 6y 8 >= 0
(y-2)(y-4) >= 0

Therefore y <= -2 or y >= 4 (This can be done by drawing a graph or analyzing + x + and - x -)

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