
2008-02-28 5:51 pm
hi, 我想問下如果想做平面設計, 個portfilio 應該點準備?

有乜係重要..? 應該要有大約幾多張design圖 show 比個老細睇?


回答 (1)

2008-02-29 9:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Nowaday, most people are bringing their notebook/laptop for interview.

The portfolio should include:
1. hand sketch (illustration)
2. packaging design (giftbox, manual)
3. design for promotion (print ad)
4. website, internet design

You cannot talking too much, will be boring. 15 minutes presentation is OK.Telling the interviewer the design process and which software you use
when showing your design to him. Understand??

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