power series and permutation

2008-02-28 9:11 am
Find the radius of convergence of the power series Sum of [(a_n)(x^n)] for the following choices of (a_n); n>=0.
i) a_(2n) = 0 and a_(2n+1) = n
ii) a_n = (m^n)^2 for some constant m E (0,inf)
(i.e E denotes "in the interval of")

Write the following permutations of the set {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} in cyclic form, and the express them as composites of transpositions, and hence decide whether they are even or odd permutations.
i) 1->8, 2->1, 3->4, 4->7, 5->5, 6->3, 7->2, 8->6
ii) 1->6, 2->8, 3->3, 4->4, 5->2, 6->1, 7->7, 8->5
iii) 1->1, 2->6, 3->5, 4->4, 5->8, 6->7, 7->2, 8->3

回答 (2)

2008-02-28 5:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For both questions, we may use the ratio test as follows:





2008-02-28 12:18:47 補充:
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參考: My Maths knowledge
2008-03-01 1:03 am
第一題唔可以直接用 ratio test 的, 因為 x 的 power 係隔住隔住: x^3 + 3x^5 + 5x^7 +...
1) 將佢寫成 x (y+3y^2+5y^3+...), y= x^2, 再用 ratio test 落 y 度, 或
2) 用 root test.

第二題: m=1 時要 check 埋點解 x=1 唔係 radius 入面(easy)
m>1 時, radius of convergence 係 0, 唔係 undefined~

2008-02-29 17:05:20 補充:
更正: 係 x^3 + 2x^5 + 3x^7 + ...

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