個行理o急 個 ' look ' 爛左, 有冇得整返?

2008-02-28 8:28 am
佢個look d 膠sit左,...... 所以推得唔係好順

有冇得自己整(如果可以自己整, 有冇網頁講點整) or 邊度有得整??

唔係d咩名牌, 所以應該都冇保養

都用左7年, 有感情, 所以唔想掉左佢 =)


拜金子: 就係覺得唔用佢, 放佢埋一邊, 好似唔係咁好 好似將佢遺棄了, 但又唔放佢走咁.........唉 佢陪左我好耐, 好耐~ 有好多回憶 ida_adv 謝謝你, 明天去睇下鴨寮街睇下先

回答 (2)

2008-02-29 1:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案

yes, u need to measure the size of yr wheel, and the best it's to take the pic, then, go to (鴨寮街), u can find some store (I mean on the street not shop), they sell individual wheel.

Or u can buy the wheel from those shops they are specialist in trolley (手推車), they always have wheels to sell.

But last thing is, all these takes time to find, and someimes by luck or u can easy to get it.

Hope u can get them. (sorry in Eng, hope u can read it as I can't type Chi)
2008-02-28 11:18 pm

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