i cheat on my boyfriend every week!!!?

2008-02-27 10:03 am
help !! I cheat on my boyfriend every week, me and my boyfriend go to the same pub every week end and i allways kiss one of his mates iv kissed 8 of his mates now i just cant help myself what can i do ? i do really love my boyfriend and we are getting married next year !!

回答 (34)

2008-02-27 10:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
WOW! where exactly is this bar?
2008-02-27 10:07 am
Have no time for people like you. How can you say you love you're boyfriend and then be cheating on him every weekend with his "friends" of all people. Just break it off with him and let him find someone who will really care for him and don't do him the injustice of marrying the poor fecker and getting saddled with someone like you
2008-02-27 10:07 am
Well, aren't you the local bike then?!

Kissing is hardly cheating.

Get a grip and grow up. Are you actually mature enough to get married?
2008-02-27 10:07 am
DONT EVEN THINK OF getting married .. you need to be single for a while ..do your boyfreind a favour and spare him the heartache that is inevitable...if you love him let him go and stop being selfish!!!!
2016-09-29 9:51 am
For the main section, there are 3 varieties of folk who dream approximately their companion cheating on them. the 1st contain people who've had human beings cheat on them in the previous. via fact that have substitute into so stressful, being in any style of dating will strengthen memories/fears of that have. the 2d contain people who've very low vanity. via fact they suspect they're so unworthy of being enjoyed, they suspect their companion secretly desires to be with somebody else. The 0.33 style is easily a mix of the 1st 2, via fact their motives for dreaming of the form is they're cheaters themselves. Like a thief who's the 1st to call somebody else a thief if something is taken from them, so too are cheaters the 1st to suspect the different guy or woman of doing to them what they're/have carried out to others. the priority with those desires isn't their content cloth yet what they represent. via fact those with undesirable histories and/or low vanity tend to get into undesirable relationships, their desires substitute right into a self-relaxing prophecy. In different words, whether their companion isn't cheating on them now, they're plenty greater in all hazard than maximum to cheat on them sooner or later. and whether somebody with low vanity does be waiting to discover somebody who isn't a cheater, their lack of ability to have faith in that guy or woman (via fact they have not got that concept in themselves) can substitute right into a wedge to force them away, which has the comparable consequence as though they did cheat. continual damaging desires sign something incorrect in the dating, a topic many times based in the dreamer. discover out the place that lack of self belief is and you will understand why you're dreaming the style you do.
2008-02-28 4:37 pm
Sad you really cant love your boyfriend if you do this all the time, why dont you finish with your boyfriend and be free to date other boys then without cheating.
2008-02-27 8:03 pm
you obviously don't love him. if you are gonna cheat on him, then you dont deserve to be in a relationship let alone a marriage. hope he catches you out before he its to late
2008-02-27 5:06 pm
I can help.
2008-02-27 12:42 pm
if you love your boyfriend then why you cheat on him EVERYWEEK.
you should stop cheating if you are going marry him.
2008-02-27 12:05 pm
U just don't think u are worth much, or else u won't feel the need to go kissing ur boyfriends friends.
參考: common sense
2008-02-27 11:12 am
Aren't you worried his mates might tell him??
You are playing a dangerous game here.
PS, if you are getting maried next year, would he be your fiance??????
2008-02-27 11:09 am
:))) you`re a funny girl:))
2008-02-27 11:06 am
good girl
2008-02-27 10:34 am
if you really love your boyfriend then why are you cheating on him?if he finds out what you've done im sure he will break up w/ you...so you better have it settled...If the guy loved you so much he will listen to your explanation but never tell him that you kiss one of his mates...
2008-02-27 10:29 am
2008-02-27 10:20 am
Wow you must really love him!! Does he know about this, you say you go to the same pub, what does he do, just stand back and let it happen? I don't think marriage is such a good idea for you two, surely you must realise that!!!
2008-02-27 10:19 am
You're kidding right?? You really can't mean all of this..can you??? Cheaters are low life--no self respect--no courtesy--uncaring--psycological misfits. Is that what you are?? Kissing all those guys?? have you heard of HERPES--AIDS---or the other charming diseases that are out there?? And you expect to marry this guy who you cheat on?? Well I will watch the newspapers for the story of a guy who found his girl is a cheat--and he shot in the head---that is usually what happens to cheaters.
2008-02-27 10:19 am
sweetie - you should not get married
you might lurve your bf but you are certainly not ready for that kind of commitment.
call it a day before you get called something unprintable.
2008-02-27 10:18 am
if you can't stop cheating then call it off before you truely break his heart i think that if you truly loved your boyfriend then you never should have cheated on him at all in the first placel maybe it isn't the right time for you to marry him what you need to do is put yourself in his shoes how would you feel if he was doing that to you before you go through with the marriage make sure that you are going to love him enough to stop the cheating i can only give you advice i was never in your position so i don't completely know what exactly you are feeling but before you take the walk down the aisle make sure it is what you truly want wedding vows are a very special part of a relationship no two words are ever spoken and pure as i do are so think before you take the plunge honey be sure of what you want okay good luck I'm sure you will make the right decision in the end especially if he is your soul mate if he means the world to you be loyal to him and cherish him for the rest of your life
life is what you make it everyone deserves to be happy hope this helps you sweety if you decide to go ahead with the marriage i hope he can forgive you and things work out but before you do marry him despite what people may think be honest with him and tell him the truth marriage is nothing if there isn't any honesty and if things work out prove it to him that he can trust you and stay away from the cheating he deserves to be treated right good guys are hard to come by honey so don't take him for granted
2008-02-27 10:16 am
The best thing is to understand what you really want. There are ppl who like to have fun with only one in this world, but again there are who want to enjoy their lives with several ppl. It's altogether who u r and how do u do things.... personalty of the individual. I think you better take few hours and think abt what exactly u want and if u really love ur bf, just ask from ur self what would u do if u r in his shoes. Most important part of this scene is, how others will get affected by ur personalty. So think abt it... always answer is in ur hands.... Good luck..!!!
2008-02-27 10:15 am
what the hell is wrong with you!!!!!

i admit i have cheated in the past but never with their mates that's so wrong!!

i have never cheated on the man i married, we were together for 3 years before we got married and we've been married for 3 years, how can you say you love this man if you are constantly kissing his mates,

you cannot marry this man, you need to sort yourself out before you even contemplate getting married.

i don't mean to sound nasty about it but you can't go around kissing other people when you are supposed to be marrying this man, think of how you would feel if it was him kissing your mates,
2008-02-27 10:14 am
if u really loved ur boyfriend u wudnt hav cheated on him in the first place. u obviously dont really love him as much as u say u do. if u really love him den u wud break up wit him for his own gd because u obviously hav problems with controlling urself and its more than likely that wen u get married u will end up cheatin on him agen and u will split and he will be hurt. and if ur cheatin on him with his mates then somehow they will end up telling him. personally i think ur cruel for doing dat to some 1 u supposedly love. fix up or break up...
2008-02-27 10:13 am
How do you do that in the same pub as him?? Is he the village idiot letting his mates take the p*ss out of him by being with you every wk?? Does he not see this? Why is he still with you?? So many questions.....................
2008-02-27 10:10 am
this is serious
if you want any relationship with your boyfriend you must end your kissing spree.
you may even feel like clearing your conscence (cant spell ha) and telling your boyfriend our kissing his mates. Tell him how guilty and sorry you are and that you he is the only one you love. tell him you promise never to cheat again and pray that he fogives you.
if you dont tell your boyfriend it will probbaly end up worse because his friends will tell him and then it will end up in a big fight.
i hope this helpes :)
stop cheating and congrats on hopefully getting married
2008-02-27 10:10 am
you are screwed. I suggest you dont tell ur boyfriend if you love him. If you do tell him he may get really pissed and may call off your wedding. But if u dont tell him, then u got to be ready to live with the fact that u cheated.
2008-02-27 10:10 am
U CAN'T help it?!?!? U gotta be kidding me.

U love him but u can't help kissing other guys? I think u need to go away for a while and reflect on what u really want.

U either marry him and be faithful or u don't get married and go around kissing other guys. That's it.
2008-02-27 10:10 am
im not being funny but
a) they are not his true friends if they are able to kiss you

b) you dont love him as you are able to kiss other people so you cant actually go ahead and marry the poor guy

c) once his friends have finished getting what they want from you cause they know you are easy they will tell your 'boyfriend'

d) you dont need 'help' you know exactly what you are doing get a grip and either stop cheating come clean or break up with your boyfriend

e) ask yourself how you would feel if you found out he had kissed 8 of your friends

have some self respect
2008-02-27 10:09 am
You go right ahead and kiss who you like. Why not shag a couple as well? It don't mean nothing. As for getting married, Why bother?

What are you? Nuts?
2008-02-27 10:09 am
Is it just kissing? I think your looking for more affection. Have got low self esteem? What are you looking fior when kissing these guys. Have you ever herd of karma. herpes should be right around the corner for you. You sound like a nasty little bar fly. He needs to swat ur *** right out the door.
2008-02-27 10:08 am
question do you really think you should marry this guy???
i dont....
how would you feel if ever oppotunity he had he got off with one of your so called mates...
am very sure you wouldnt like it...
2008-02-27 10:07 am
Good luck you're gonna need it!!
2008-02-27 10:06 am
How can you marry someone if you are a serial cheater?
2008-02-27 10:06 am
omg! and your getting married?!?
i don't think you love him as much as you think you do hun.
2008-02-27 10:10 am
is that all??? kissing??? don't worry until you disappear into the alley behind the pub for more... :D

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