美國租屋一問! new york city!!!

2008-02-28 6:50 am
我 8,9月會去nyc 到讀書..
我想住係nyc centra park戈附近..

我理想係租d好平ge 屋..
3千左右都okay.. 有冇d租屋網介紹??


回答 (3)

2008-02-28 3:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
紐約平租地方治安一定差,同你幾多歲冇關係。 除非你去唐人區租大陸人嘅屋, 同非法移民住埋一齊。

Central Park 嘅西邊係黑人區。東邊係最貴嘅地區,你有HK$3,000可以租到一個廁所位。

如果你學校有介紹你 Homestay, 你最好去。如果唔係, 你未開學, 啲野就俾人偷晒 。

2008-03-01 09:08:33 補充:
如果你學校有介紹你 Homestay, 或有宿舍,你最好去住。 住落之後, 你就知道附近有邊啲地方治安比較好,你可以睇下有冇同學或上網睇下有冇人搵 Roommate. 即係大家分租, 譬如一間屋兩房一廳, 就一人俾一半租。就唔使俾咁貴租。 不過同人夾份住一定要幫手清潔, 如果大家都唔做, 間屋就會變垃圾崗。出到外面住梗係冇屋企咁舒服, 同埋冇個阿四(即係你阿媽)服侍你。
2008-02-28 10:10 pm
From my experience, I recommend you ask your school to provide the
dormitory for you for one or two semester. Then, such time period you can
be familiar with the environment, and sure you can look for the good price
place to live.
Just remember that do not even trust the local Chinese in the U.S. because
they will not help the Chinese. I had so many bad experience with it.
When you are in school, I recommend you are trying to make more friends.
Sure, this is quite easy to know more friends from Hong Kong. Second,
you can join your classmates to go to church. The Christian in the U.S.
is so helpful for the foreign students. I believe your study or live to be
better from the helpful hand by the church.
So, I will say you are better to spend at least one semester in the
dormitory in order to be more familiar with the New York, the most
un-safety place in the U.S. Trust yourself, not others. Good luck.
2008-02-28 7:02 am
Hi, I suggest you living in your school if you will study in University. If you are going to study in Community College, you are better to take the homestay, it is more convenience and the best way for you. The apartment in New York is so expensive, just like in Hong Kong, around HK$5000 for 250 square feets. Of cause you can find the cheaper one, but the location is not safe.
參考: US citizen

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