
2008-02-28 6:30 am

回答 (2)

2008-02-29 12:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
作為多年interviewer的我而言, 兩者都是重要。

1. 以僱主角度而言, 若然應徵者對應徵的機構毫無認識的話(尤其係大, 具知名度的機構), 仲要在面試時問番僱主, 僱主會覺得應徵者"無做功課", 給予一個不太好的印象: 若然應徵者對公司的理念, mission, vision和業務一無所知甚至不認同, 僱主既不會花時間在面試去講呢d野, 他們亦不會聘請一個對公司的理念, mission和vision毫無認識和不認同的應徵者; 即使第一日返工都係向新同事brief番公司的background的資料, 但所需的時間亦不會太多(頂多30分鐘), 原因係公司亦要教您關於公司的一般運作和工序。

2. 未來的工作及做事態度同樣重要, 就算您對間公司好有認識, 熟到好似"大內密探"知得一清二楚, 請o左個員工先知工作及做事態度有問題, 都係唔掂! 無可否認, 在面試時未必表現得到(應該話, 用誠意搭夠, 不過誠意呢樣o野, 應徵者若然演技好, 有時會連僱主也騙到), 有時候, 僱主亦會出一些case問題去反映員工的工作及做事態度; 而且, 何解返工有試用期, 就要互相俾個機會: 僱主認為員工工作及做事態度合符要求, 員工對份工有熱誠, 可以繼續做下去。

所以見工前, 除了做足見工前的一般準備, 了解申請的工作和公司的資料(例如何時成立, 做甚麼業務, 人數, mission, vision, 最近公司的新動作, 例如上市, 開拓新市場等), 面試時要表現對工作的熱誠亦很重要。當然, 員工在面試時如何向僱主表達良好的工作及做事態度, 到員工正式返工時亦要保持良好的工作及做事態度。
參考: Self Working Experience in HR Field
2008-02-28 7:10 am
If I was the interviewer, I would prefer candidates with the right knowledge/experience potential for the related job capacity and a right working attitude.

For anyone who never work in my company, I can expect nothing from him to know too much details of the company. If my company owns a known brandname and the candidate knows this, it means nothing at all. Unless a person works in a company for a certain period of time, no one can tell. At most, the candidate may know something about the comany's business coverage and generic information, however, all these cannot be regarded as details.

Related knowledge and experience will more dedicate how much training and/or time for the newcomer to pick up the work. A right and positive working attitude will help to speed up the pick up and co-relationship with his fellow colleagues and co-operating departments/suppliers or customers.

The above is something personal for your reference.

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