澳洲 ~~ ( 翻譯成英文 )

2008-02-28 6:08 am
黃金海岸是舉世馳名的度假勝地,由數十個美麗沙灘組成,包括由北面開始的South Port , Main Beach , Surfers Paradise , Broadbeach ,一直向南伸展至Mermaid Beach, Miami, Burleigh Heads, Palm Beach及Currmbin 等延綿四十二公里。這裡地處亞熱帶氣候,終年陽光普照。首尾相接的海灘形成一條金黃色的玉帶,景觀壯麗。

無論閣下是首次踏足或重遊,黃金海岸眾多的特色樂園均令您樂而忘返。走進華納電影世界(Warner Bros Movie World),置身於多套經典著名電影的拍攝場景,猶如當上主角;而萬人偶像的蝙蝠俠亦會隨時現身。對於一家大小或童心未泯的大朋友來說,Looney Tunes Villages內可愛趣緻的賓尼兔,翠兒,阿寶,以及其他得意的卡通人物定必讓您雀躍萬分,紛紛嚷著要跟他們拍照留念。

位於電影世界毗鄰的是另一個特色樂園一夢幻世界(Dream World)。走進園內的老虎島(Tiger Island),您可親身目睹當今世上罕見的全金色及全白色的孟加拉虎各三隻,簡直是稀世奇珍。此外,這裡還有全球最高,最快的過山車Tower of Terror。刺激程度足以挑戰閣下的膽量極限。

另一個合家觀節目,就是到嘉林邊野生動物園(Currumbin Sanctuary),這裡的野生動物種類繁多,是接觸大自然的好地方。閣下除了觀賞澳洲的特產如袋鼠、樹熊、鱷魚、鶴鴕、袋貂之外,還有鸚鵡及彩雀在空中寫意翱翔,它們亦會飛到閣下手上覓食,毫無懼意。

為您揭開海底的神秘面紗的海洋世界(Sea World),是一家大小必到的遊覽勝地。閣下可以在這裡近距離接觸海洋生態,觀賞琳琅滿目、多彩多姿的海洋生物,包括鯨魚、海獅;更不可錯過老少咸宜、精彩惹筆的海豚表演。看完輕鬆的海豚表演,當然要繼續欣賞驚心動魄的滑水表演。擁有精湛的技巧的滑水高手,在閣下面前施展渾身解數,上演一幕一幕極高難度的驚險動作,令您屏息靜氣的欣賞,精彩絕倫。

若閣下嚮往農莊的寧靜樸素風味,Paradise Country及Aussie Country 絕對是首選。您可悠閒地細賞剪羊毛表演、在馬上享受馳騁之樂、餵食綿羊、又或者模仿澳洲墾荒者,體驗戶、外燒茶及喝茶的原始生活,實是暫離煩囂的好去處。

只需10分鐘的車程便可從,瑪拉樂嘉農莊到達黃金海岸機場。遊客可於黃金海岸體驗一個獨特的澳洲之旅。遊客可以體驗的活動包括:於世外桃源般的Tweed River河泮欣賞日出;並親手弄您的麵包及茶。您亦可享受垂釣的樂趣,或於泥穴中捕捉螃蟹並即時烹調品嚐其無窮的鮮味。還有更精彩的:享用豐富的自助晚餐,觀賞精彩的綿羊競賽﹝喜歡的話更可小睹怡情﹞,嘗試替綿羊剪毛,參與原野舞蹈, 玩澳洲土著特有樂器didgeridoo,參加原野樂隊,乘坐懷舊的煤礦火車,投擲回力棒,餵飼小動物,擠牛奶,騎馬,參觀茶園及甘蔗園。沒有一個農場可以像我們這樣提供那麼多種類的澳洲生活體驗。

“捕蟹之旅” (Catch A Crab)是一個獲獎的觀光旅遊活動, 藉由觀賞Tweed地區的大自然優美風光及親身體驗澳洲式的捕蟹、釣魚及船上享用現煮捕獲的活泥蟹等活動, 來提供國際旅客們永生難忘的澳洲式休閒生活。一但踏上舒適、全天候的特製觀光船, 遊客們便可參與下列的活動。活動頂目 :餵食鵜鶘, 親身體驗捕蟹之樂, 自己捉釣餌 – 小蝦蟲, 釣魚等。

超級蜜蜂工廠和超級蜜蜂世界絡你一個充滿澳洲色彩而令人難忘的體驗。 超級蜜蜂景點以它的活蜜蜂表演而聞名,每個景點有半小時的活蜜蜂表演, 使你在一片嗡嗡聲中感到激動而興奮。

超級蜜蜂世界位于昆士蘭省著名的黃金海岸, 在那兒你可以體驗神奇的蜜蜂世 界, 在“蜜蜂之路”的花叢中走一走, 看一看活蜜蜂的表演, 利用此機會體驗和蜜蜂在一起的生動感受。另外於艷陽海岸亦有一個超級蜜蜂工廠。

黃金海岸除了是水上活動愛好者的天堂外,也是購物愛好者的樂園。Marina Mirage擁有著名時裝專門店、高級商品店、上等餐廳食肆、露天茶座、以至手工藝精品等,應有盡有。而Pacific Fair則有售賣琳琅滿目商品的室內購物中心和戶外的購物大道。而在Raptis Plaza,您會發現一些售賣奇趣古怪禮品的店鋪,包你一開眼界;還有一些高級時裝出口店,價錢吸引,讓你滿載而歸。你更可以乖坐定時的短程駁船,前往Sanctuary Cove的海濱市集,購買紀念品和品嚐美食。而位於Broadbeach的Oasis Shopping Centre及Robina Town Centre,則可讓你找到農莊風味濃厚的購物街道。閣下盡管在這里盡情享受購物的喜悅。

回答 (3)

2008-02-29 2:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
The gold coast is the world-wide famous vacation paradise, is composed
by dozens of beautiful sand beaches, including South Port which starts
by northern side, Main Beach, Surfers Paradise, Broadbeach,
continuously extends to the south to Mermaid Beach, Miami, Burleigh
Heads, Palm Beach and Currmbin and so on extends 42 kilometers. Here
is situated at the subtropics climate, died at the age of the sunlight
to shine. The head and tail docking beach forms a golden yellow jade
belt, the landscape is grand.

Regardless of your excellency is treads the foot for the first time or
swims again, the gold coast multitudinous characteristic paradise
makes you be too merry to be homesick. Enters the Warner movie world
(Warner Bros Movie World), places oneself to the multi- wraps classics
famous movie photography scene, just like works as the lead; But ten
thousand person of idols bat variants also can as necessary this
present existence. The big friend or stills have a childlike innocence
which regarding a size said that, in Looney Tunes Villages lovable
interesting bunny rabbit, green jade, Arab League is valuable, and
all that self-satisfied cartoon characters surely must let you jump
for joy extremely, shout in abundance are wanting to photograph with
them accept as a memento.
2008-02-29 10:17 pm
The gold coast famously spends a holiday divine spot all over the world and constitute to from the several tens and beautiful sandy beach and include Port of South started by the northern side, Main Beach, Surfers Paradise, Broadbeach, always stretch to Mermaid Beach, Miami toward the south, Heads of Burleigh, Palm Beach and Currmbin etc. postpone Mian 42 kilometer.Here ground subtropics weather, whole year round sun shines everywhere.The sea beach that the beginning and end connects becomes the jade in a gold yellow to bring and the view is magnificent.

Whether you steps enough or revisits for the very first time or not, numerous special feature paradises in the gold coast all make you happy and forget to return.Walk into Warner movie world(Warner Bros Movie World), Be placed oneself to taking of many classic well-known movieses scene, as if be leading role;And 10000 people the batman of the idol will also appear at any time.Come to say to a size or big friend, who still preserve traces of childishness, , Looney Tunes is inside Villages the guest Ni of the lovely interesting Zhi rabbit, Cui son, treasure, and other satisfied cartoon characters settle to necessarily let you jump like sparrows extremely, in succession the Rang write to want to take pho to keep as memory with them.

Be located on movie world adjacent is another special feature paradise is one dreamlike world(Dream World).Walk into the tiger island(Tiger Island) in the park, you can personally witness nowadays the Bangladesh tiger of the in this world rare whole gold color and whole white is three for each, absolutely is extremely rare
2008-02-28 6:42 pm
Super Bee World famous in the Queensland Gold Coast, where you can experience the magic of bees in the "bees Road" in the flowers stroll around and look at the performance of live bees, and use this opportunity to experience with bees the vivid feelings. Also in the sun coast also a super bee plant.

Apart from the Gold Coast is a paradise for water sports enthusiasts, but also to lovers paradise. Marina Mirage renowned fashion shop owners, senior merchandise stores, fine restaurants and eateries, outdoor cafes, as well as handicraft quality and famous. Pacific Fair and there are an array of goods sold indoor and outdoor shopping mall Avenue. In Raptis Plaza, you will find some selling Trolltech strange gift shop, a package you an eye-opener; export some senior fashion shop, the price attracted let you taste. You can, of the short-range well-behaved Zuoding barge to the Sanctuary Cove waterfront market, buy souvenirs and food tasting. Broadbeach and at the Oasis Shopping Centre and Robina Town Centre, so you can find a farm flavor strong shopping streets. Although you are here to enjoy the joy of shopping.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 21:56:29
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