
2008-02-28 5:40 am
我有美國綠卡己十多年, 早時在美國住幾年, 後回香港局住十年多也沒有回美國, 現在因兒子大學畢業想進入美國, 綠卡應該無效, 我想將綠卡退回給美國領事館換個旅遊VISA, 應該如何做起及需要填甚麼表格? 請各人幫幫忙!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (3)

2016-05-14 2:24 pm

2008-02-29 3:07 pm
that is a decison you need to make.

1. you believe you don't need the USA RP anymore in the future. then you should return the green card to US embassy but ask for a travel visa. they will be happy that you do so. because you are honest person and you sure no intention to stay in USA illegelly.

2. you want to keep the RP. then you have to take a chance, because the law
say the if the RP holder lift USA more than 1 year will get suspended. that is
up to the customs officer believe your STORY or not at the airport. i can not think of any excuse for you to explain why you did not return to USA in 10 years.

if the officer reject your explaination, you still can ask for an immigration
court hearing. then they have to give you a court date, and meanwhile they
can not stop you into USA this moment.

2008-02-29 07:10:16 補充:
the radio host already get fired, because some of his answers is misleading the public and illegel.
2008-02-28 6:10 pm
你的案例跟我父母相似, 佢地都是90'取得green card, 來美後, 住一年左右回流返港. green card 過了期都有五年了. 上年就再度用舊及過期的green card返美. 現在還美國renew了green card 添.

我是從以下ny radio的樂林先生教的方法, 是正當方法. 佢話green card有一次chance比你再度入境的. 我寫比佢, 佢base on 我的suituation來答的.

節目時間是美國時間的下午2:00. (WZRC AM 1480)


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