我想把肌肉增大 要點樣鍛鍊先可以有呢個效果?

2008-02-28 5:22 am
我想把手臂個到既肌肉增大 要點樣鍛鍊先可以有呢個效果?
我14years old

回答 (2)

2008-02-29 5:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Many trainers will not recommend a 14 years old to lift weight, and do not train one part of your body, it will make your muscle imbalance. I would
suggest you for now, just keep it simple, do some cardio exercise to keep your body fat low, and do some push ups and pull ups, just like in the PE class.

When you are 16 or so, you can start to use weight training to build the muscle, keep in mind that you should train the entire body, that will make you look
nice than just train one part of your body.
2008-02-28 5:31 am
如果淨係想手臂大隻d 既....如果屋企黎講多數都係做掌上壓
最重要係長期咁keep 住做....每日做幾多就睇你能力....我就建議每日早晚一次每次太約20-30下....或者做到累...記住...要連續做唔好做幾下又停抖陣再做.......希望幫到你啦

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