Davis Bangkok Hotel..急急急!

2008-02-28 5:20 am
有無人知道由sukhumvit 的 davis bangkok hotel 去siam 既big c 遠唔遠,
by taxi 要几錢,坐輕鐵要几耐?同埋附近有啲咩野行咩野食同咩野玩!!!

very urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

help ! help! help!!!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2008-02-29 1:12 am
Or you can go to TESCO LOTUS instead, it is just behind the hotel. . By taxi about 2mins. . .
2008-02-28 11:27 pm
唔遠,你可以出大路坐架空火車在Prom Pong (E5)去Chit Lom (E1)就可以到Big C.車程約8分鐘.Taxis約100銖.附近有什麼,可參考以下地圖.

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