現職營養師請入 (20點) (超急)

2008-02-28 4:04 am
我要做一入功課偽要interview nutritionist 的,
可以用英文寫篇野(500字左右ok架喇) or 用point form寫~
1) 你ge 英文名
2) 讀左咩課程? (學歷)
3) 點入行? (入行過程)
4) 而家o係邊做野?
5) 做野ge內容係咩? (哩個要詳細d, 如果可以講埋薪金幾多仲好)
6) 會唔會出去講talk or 做health program? 係點樣ge program?
7) 客人多數係咩年齡? 咩situation? 點解要搵你?
8) 你認為而家香港市民ge健康ok唔ok? 係咪比以前多左awareness? 點解呢?



回答 (1)

2008-03-13 4:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
A nutritionist is a health specialist who devotes professional activity to food and nutritional science, preventive nutrition, diseases related to nutrient deficiencies, and the use of nutrient manipulation to enhance the clinical response to human diseases.

They may also advise people on dietary matters relating to health, well-being and optimal nutrition. Nutritionists have varying levels of education from someone with little or no education to an individual who has obtained a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree. This is because the term "nutritionist" is not a legally protected term in most parts of the world. As a result, the term "nutritionist" is subject to several interpretations. Many nutritionists appear on television, in newspapers and magazines, and write nutritional books, which may or may not have any real informational value regarding diet.

There are a wide range of courses available which vary in duration from several days to several years. A person who represents him or herself as a nutritionist may have several different levels of education including a degree in nutrition or dietetics from a university (of which several may be accredited by nutritionist governing bodies such as the Nutrition Society accrediting degree courses in the UK) or certification in nutrition education and/or counseling from a private vocational/professional training school.

2008-03-12 20:20:49 補充:
Types of Nutritionist

1. Nutrition Scientists

2. Public Health Nutritionists

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 16:52:46
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