Day 與 calendar day 的分別

2008-02-28 3:43 am
請問day 與 calendar day有什麼的分別?例如Please reply within 5 days & Please reply within 5 calendar days 有什麼的分別?

回答 (1)

2008-02-28 6:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Day 通常會係指Working Day或工作日。

Please reply within 5 days就係要5個工作日內回覆。通常D公司都會寫Please reply within 5 working days。

假如某間公司星期六﹐日放假。 它星期一要你reply within 5 days就係指下個星期一之前要你答覆。

Calendar Day 就包工作日和禮拜六﹐日和所有假日。 每日都算。

Please reply within 5 calendar days就係由當天起加5日內回覆。

假如某間公司星期六﹐日放假。 它星期一要你reply within 5 calendar days就係指星期六之前要你答覆。


2008-02-28 14:45:34 補充:
However, if someone says that it's going to take 5 days to get a job done... they might mean 40 hours of work, which could be stretched out into two weeks or more. If they said 5 calendar days, it would mean that thats the elapsed time it would take to do the job

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