active voice轉passive voice

2008-02-28 2:02 am
Active句子: He must write to her in order to classify the situation.

我唔識轉做passive voice, 可唔可以教下我?



dove_ht話: She must be written in order to classify the situation.((<--錯)) Andy兄講得岩,女人係人,點會被人寫,你估寫係臉上! 只有紙張才被人寫 可唔可以咁呢? 轉左做passive: She must be written to in oreder to classify the situation? 因為"written"+ "to", 即係成句加多左個"to"(preposition), 成句咁樣又得唔得呢?

回答 (4)

2008-02-28 5:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
passive voice 的做法:
1. 將 句子的subject 及 object 對調,即subject 變 object, object變subject
2. 加 (by)
3. 將時式的active voice 轉做 passive voice (註 - 請特別留意object 係單數抑或眾數)

轉時式做法 - 例子(gone)
present tense - (is/am/are) gone
present continous tense - (is/am/are being) gone
present perfect tense - (have/has been) gone
present perfect continous tense - 無

past tense - (was/went) gone
past continous tense - (was/went being) gone
past perfect tense - (had been) gone
past perfect continous tense - 無

future tense - (will/shall be) gone
future continous tense - 無
future perfect tense - (will/shall have been) gone
future perfect continous tense - 無

model verb 做法一樣
can do - (can be) done
must write - (must be ) written

past participle 看時式方法,你只需看past participle前面,我己加(括號),你看了便知什麼時式及有無做錯,請留意部分時式無passive voice

My computer was stolen.
- 由於不知道誰偷,所以不用寫object
The road has been built (by workers).
- 係人都知道object 係 workers, understood, 可以不寫 (by workers)

Active - (They) (are holding) (a meeting) to discuss the affair now.
Passive - (A meeting) to discuss the affair (is being held) (by) (them) now.
- subject (They) 轉做 object (them)
- object (a meeting) 轉做 subject (a meeting)
- 加by
- (are holding) 轉做 (IS being held) - 為什麼不是(ARE) being held ? 由於subject 係 A meeting, 因此係(IS) being held , 不是 (ARE) being held

He must write to her in order to classify the situation.
She must be written in order to classify the situation. (樓上仁兄 - 錯)

女人係人,點會被人寫,你估寫係臉上! 只有紙張才被人寫

He must write (?) to her in order to classify the situation.
因為object 無寫出來,只好自己作
(A document) (must be written) to her (by) (him) in order to classify the situation.


2008-02-28 21:41:52 補充:
基於發問者(dove_ht兄 )的重點在轉做passive voice, 若根據pixelheart926兄的做法(多謝pixelheart926兄),便不算做passive voice,基於不違反增加意思的原則,我修正如下

(It) (must be written) to her (by) (him) in order to classify the situation.

(It - 可代表任何文件,信件等, 都算不違反增加意思的原則)

2008-02-28 22:03:56 補充:
pixelheart926 兄的答案答得真係很好! 老實講,我的新答案都係參考佢,不過無咗providing that

(The situation) (must be classified) (by) (him) to write to her.
2008-02-29 9:54 pm
she must be written to by him in order to classify the situation.
classify 會不會應該是 clarify
to clarify the situation ( not to classify the situation)
2008-02-28 8:11 am
The situation must be classified providing that he must write to her.

2008-02-28 00:14:33 補充:
andy 兄的解法詳細, 但是我想佢的重點是轉passive voice, 在不違反增加意思的原則, 只好用providing that 這個conjuctive pronoun來代替.... 這只是小弟拙見, 請指教
參考: ;)
2008-02-28 2:59 am
She must be written in order to classify the situation.

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