[AL phy]electric potential

2008-02-28 1:14 am
書中告訴我electric potential的定義係一個charged sphere的距離r的per unit charge的potential energy. 但是比如說"A conducting sphere is charged to a potential of 3V"咁我就唔明那個"3V"究竟是相對什麼, 因為佢係得佢自己有charge既情況下, 點解會有potential??佢個potential energy又係因為什麼引起?
而1/4兀e x Q/r這式又岩用於咁既情況嗎??

希望有高手解答下...如果的上面所說的有什麼錯concept亦希望可以加入糾正 萬分感謝!!!!!

回答 (2)

2008-02-28 4:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Please remind that electric potential needed to be defined with a reference point, in the case of kQ/r, we set the potential is zero at r=infinity. In your question, a conducting sphere is charged to a potential of 3V, mean that with a reference potential that waas no noticed, the potentail diffrent between the conducting sphere with that reference is 3V. The omitted reference point here should be set at r=infininty, potential there is zero.
Potential is defined by the energy gain/loss of a particle moving in a field, that could be an EM (electromagnetic) field, or a gravitation field. P=integrate F ds, where F is the force acted on the particle by the field, s is the path the particle move in the field. The equation kQ/r is the potential different between infinity and r, with an EM force by a point charge/ sphere, where r is larger the the radius of the sphere. Force by this field is kQ/r^2
Taking an example, if I charge up a very long straight wire, the EM force with be kQ/r, and the potential with be kQ ln(r/ro), with reference point at ro, potential there is set to be 0 (but not zero at infinity). If you know calculus, you will have a clearer picture.
2008-02-28 4:40 am
Any charge could raise the potential in the space surrounding it. If charges are put onto an obejct (say, a metallic sphere), the electric potential of the sphere will be raised from the original zero volt to a certain voltage (like 3V as in your question).

At the same time, elctric fields are produced at the vicintiy of the sphere. As field lines run from places of higher potential to places of lower potential, the existence of electric field lines indicates a distribution of potentials surrounding the charged sphere.

The equation 1/4兀e x Q/r quoted by you is one used to calculate the potential at a distance r from the centre of a charged sphere.

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