
2008-02-27 9:56 pm
1.) 為什麼要在財務報告表中向稅務局申報每個partner的股權的百份比?
2.) 若果遇上債項的時候, 是否每個partner只須負責自己的百分比?
3.) 續問題 2.) 若果不是, 會如何處理?
4.) 在稅務上, 是否與 2.) 和 3.) 的處理手法一樣, 若果不同, 應如何處理?

【 集思廣益譜新章 】 : How can one partner apply for personal assessment and the other partners follow by the firm arrangement? Thanks!

回答 (2)

2008-03-04 10:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.) 因為Partnership 是無限公司,所有這間公司的股東,所收到的人工及利潤,係可以選擇唔交利得稅,而只交個人入息稅,這樣他們便可以享有免稅額(例如個人、夫婦、子女、父母等等),交少很多稅。



2.) 若果合夥公司有債項的時候, 由於Partnership 是無限公司,所以每個股東負責的不是按自己的股份,而是無限責任 (unlimited liability)。

3.) 一般銀行做法是,首先會向所有股東追討債項,如果其中有股東有物業,佢首先會被釘契,然後銀行會繼續向各股東追債(行動包括發信、交財務公司追討、告上法庭等等),直至各股東申請破產為止。

4.) 在稅務上,好多時係政府出報稅表,而間公司又無報稅,咁政府先會揾間公司,通常係先出 reminder,然後出評估稅金單,逾期不交稅,便會交法庭處理,出信要你上庭。至於間公司欠債的事,並不在稅務上有問題。
2008-02-28 6:59 am
1. The tax department could then allocated each of the shared profit to that individual partner should he/she applied for a personal assessment instead of the total profit be assessed on a partnership firm basis and taxed at a flat rate.
2. No. The partners are joint and several liable for the total liabilities of the partnerhsip business.
3. If partner A has no money to pay, the other partners B and C are then liable for the total debts the partnership firm has to pay.
4. Yes. same as 3 and 4, unless a certain amount had been transferred out from the partnership firm's profit tax file to a partner C upon application for personally assessed. A and B will then liable jointly for the remaining partnership's profits tax.

2008-02-28 22:19:32 補充:
In answer 4 :

"A and B will then liable jointly for the remaining partnership's profits tax." This is not exactly correct. It should read as A,B and C are still liable jointly for the remaining partnership's profits tax even C had applied for being personally assessed.

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