意興闌珊, 係點解?

2008-02-27 8:58 pm

係咪好攰咁解? 俾啲例子唔該。

回答 (3)

2008-02-27 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2008-03-07 7:42 pm

2008-02-27 9:27 pm
I answer your question, because this 4 words is stick beside my bed.

I may used my case to let you more understanding with these words.

1) I lost my permanent job on 2002 at that time my age is at mid thirty something. Within these several years I keep hard to find a perm job (secretarial and admin job), but the job market only accept those with 1 to 5 year working experience, so till now I still work on temporary basis, i.e. no stable income. I am the only fianacial support in my family ( I am lived with my mother).

- I am university graduated at 2004.

2) If you like me to keep on find job and with the real job market with AGE Discrimation and only accept those fresh graduate with 1-2 years experience, you will use these 4 words to describe myslef mood.

Wish you can lead your more understand with these 4 words.

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