
2008-02-27 5:29 am


回答 (4)

2008-02-27 5:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, Good morning / Good afternoon,

My name is Sally. I am 12 years old and I live in XXXXX.

I have one elder sister, one elder brother and one youger siser.

My hobby is drawing and my favourate subject is English.

I wish to be a sucessful and famous fashion designer when I grown up.

2008-02-26 21:46:30 補充:
Since you will have face to face interview, there's no need to mention that you are a girl. Also, this is an English interview, it is not nececssary to mention yr chinese name.

2008-02-26 21:46:40 補充:
In my opinion, your introduction is too short, I would suggest that you can tell more about why you want to be a desiger as that would give a good impression to the interviewer.
2008-02-27 5:36 am
Good Morning, My name is XXX
and my English name is XXXX
I am a girl (其實唔駛講自己係女仔,因為你入到去佢都會知^^)
and I am 12 years old.
I am living in XXXX with my family,
I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. (或 I have 1 elder sister, 1 younger sister and 1 elder brother, 但一般人都只會話有幾多個兄弟姊妹,英文好少講明邊個大邊個細)
My hobby is drawing and English is my favorite subject in class.
I hope that I can be a famous and successful designer in the future.

最緊要到時唔好咁緊張,唔好比人感覺係背出唻就OK ^^
參考: 自己
2008-02-27 5:35 am
My name calls [ xxx ],
I am the girl,
my English name calls Sally,
my 12 years old,
I live am [ xxxxxxxxxx ], I have an elder sister, a younger sister identical elder brother,
my hobby is paints pictures,
my most Zhong I subject is an English,
I hoped I may be a splendid fashion designer
2008-02-27 5:33 am
My name isXXX
I am a girl
My English name isXXX
I am twelve.
I live in XXX
I have 2 sisters and a brother
My hobby is drawing.
My favourite subject is English.
I hope I can be an outstanding fashion designer.

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