不接受一千蚊紙 轉做英文-.-

2008-02-27 4:53 am
吾該 幫我轉做英文-.-
{只接受伍百蚊/ 一百蚊}


回答 (6)

2008-02-27 4:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
We don't accept $1,000 notes, only $500 or $100 notes are accepted.
參考: myself
2008-02-28 2:24 am
Sorry, we don't accept 1000 dollars note.
500 / 100 dollars note only
參考: myself
2008-02-28 1:04 am
No one thousand note is accepted but only five hundred and one hundred.
2008-02-27 7:43 am
We do not accept one thousand notes.
Only five hundred notes and one hundred notes are accepted.
2008-02-27 5:44 am
1000HKD note is not acceptable
Only 500HKD note/100HKD note is available
2008-02-27 5:18 am
不接受一千蚊紙:: not acceptancy one thousand dollars.

只接受伍百蚊/ 一百蚊:: just acceptancy five hundred dollars or one hundred dollars.

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