Do you think this is normal?

2008-02-25 12:48 pm
I am a 24 year old male who never had a girlfriend and I am not into women, sex, dating, and marriage in general
And I don't intend to get a woman because I would enjoy being single for the rest of my life! and NO I AM NOT GAY!
Well what do you think!?

And NO I don't feel sad or lonely like some other ponses of guys!


People I feel totally normal I do not need to see a doctor or anything Somebody said i am a loner which I kind of am! Somebody said I had a supresses childhood what does that mean!


Nathan P I agree with you!


ps@yahoo frankly i could not give a sh!t if I died a bachelor!


Melvin A At least I am not a pervert like you!!!!

回答 (63)

2008-02-26 5:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Why are you concerned if this normal? - If you are happy with it then it is normal for you. Seems fine - if we were all a bit more accepting life would be a whole lot easier for everyone.
2008-02-25 12:53 pm
its your choice how you wish to live and if you are happy to stay single so be it.
i don't think there is anything wrong with that.
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
Its up to you whether you want to meet some one and whether you want a girlfriend if you are happy being single and doing your own thing then go ahead and do it there is no rule that you have to its just people who dont understand make opinions on people who have different views on life.

Good luck to you anyway hunni and enjoy your life. xxx
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
If you're happy with your life, then why change it!!!
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
i Thinks you must have a very muscley right arm!!
2008-02-25 12:53 pm
Good for you.
Happiness is not only bound into girl-boy is within ourselves.
If that's how you want your life to be it's your prerogative.At the end of the day it is US who decide and feel what is good for us.
You're normal.
2008-02-25 12:53 pm
You make your own choices and if that is what makes you happy then sod everyone else
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
It is normal, my Dad's best friend is the same, he just has no interest in that sort of thing, and he's not gay either. I also worked with a man who was the same, and unfortunately got teased a lot for being gay when it just totally wasn't about that. I believe there are more people like that out there, don't worry.
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
You are asexual. Not abnormal but you are unusual. Evolution has not been kind to the asexual.
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
Not weird at all. Some people are very independant and would just prefer great friends over steady relationships. Don't worry about it.......... Just be you.
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
You are Asexual. It means you are not interested in love life and such. I am in the same position as you and I'm 18 though.
2008-02-25 12:51 pm
I think it's normal for some people. Some guys really just want to be alone in life, which is absolutely fine!!

And ignore everyone else who just say your gay, they are idiots...
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
You could be asexual. Which means you are not attracted to anything. Its not normal, but its not weird. Just do what ever is good for you and what makes you happy. besides your young your mind may change anyway.
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
Weirdo to the Extreme!
2008-02-25 12:53 pm
you are A sexual. you are simply not interested in either sex. You are very normal, and there are other people out there just like you. Like for instance, my brother. He has never gone on a date, never had a girlfriend or boyfriend. He is simply not interested in women or men. Also, because he is a-sexual, he is a very good brother because he is not always wrapped up in someone else. There are definetely benefits for your situation.

Enjoy your life, dont let others judge you.
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
Nothing wrong with that. However it is human nature to pair up and mate etc. So where you feel like this now, I don't think it will last forever. As you get older you will start to feel the need to pair. However, saying that some people never do.

You will certainly be richer without a spouse!
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
Don't feel as if you're missing something. If you don't want a relationship, and are happy with that, then be at peace. Most of us envy your position.
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
I think that could be normal.
I would have a doctor check hormone levels just to be sure. (not trying to insult you, but this is a medical condition that does occur)
Or maybe you are just one of the lucky few that is content with life. I don't think you have to be gay, to not want a relationship.
Good luck.
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
I think you probably just haven't met the right woman yet. Chances are that someday someone will come into your life who will blow you away and you'll look back at that statement bout never wanting someone and laugh. For the moment though, you're young, free, single, go enjoy yourself
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
Great, it could be normal.
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
how do you know you don't want it if you havent tried
2008-02-25 12:51 pm
Whatever floats your boat
2008-02-25 1:05 pm
Normal or not, I think you're saving yourself a lot of grief. If you're happy being unattached then be true to it, because society pressures all of us to be attached. Most girls these days are not worth pursuing anyway, they're vain, dull, moody, stupid, and vulgar.
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
why don't you want a girl? i love spending time with girls
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
No im sorry...i dont think thats normal but thats your life and i cant judge you
2008-02-25 12:51 pm
O wow, thats great!! Bless ya hun!!! Awww bless your cotton socks!!! U R SOOOO UNIQUE!!!!
2008-02-25 12:51 pm
Weirdo !!!
2008-02-25 1:30 pm
There is nothing wrong with being like that, and i can't believe all these people on here that are giving you grief.
Fair play to you. You aren't hurting anyone beling like they way you are. You should be proud. xx
2008-02-25 1:15 pm
There is a percentage of the population that is asexual, meaning that they have little or no sexual desire, and you, quite simply, might be one of these people. This is normal for you.

You're still quite young, and you might meet a woman to whom you are immediately attracted, it does happen that people don't really seem that keen on the opposite sex until they meet a particular person, then WHAM!

So I wouldn't worry too much about this.
2008-02-25 1:10 pm
i don't think you have any problems. may be you will change when you grow up more, or maybe you'll enjoy the way you are.
2008-02-25 1:02 pm
thats very normal. in all sense, you are more normal than anyone out there. ive always wondered why everyone thats not a sexual whore is labelled not normal.
ive had many girlfriends and im not any happier. lol. and i agree with you, single life is the best!
alot of girls want guys to have a g/f and say it isnt normal cuz they hate the idea of any hetrosexual male not "worshipping" them. alot of girls are stupid and even worse callous, watch out!! it took me a long time to find my current g/f and its great cuz we work together towards life.
however when u say dont intend it sounds as if you are bitter towards women rather than being open to the idea of having a g/f. dont worry, stupid girls can grow up to be more responsible women.
Good luck ....
2008-02-25 12:58 pm
It's normal. You may not like to have a girlfriend because you want that girl to be someone who seems perfect to you and someone who you can give your "can never be taken back" love at the fullest. You want to be single because you might not want to experience the business and family problems and want to fly freely without commitment. Being not interested in women means that you are still in a half-kid state. As I said before, you want to be free without commitment.

I hope this answers your question ^_^
2008-02-25 12:58 pm
There is nothing wrong with you. Just enjoy your life, you are young. My advice would be to make a lot of friends, go out, meet people. Maybe when the time is right you will meet someone who you would like as a companion. Don't worry about it.
2008-02-25 12:57 pm
You're asexual, nothing wrong with that as long as you're happy.
2008-02-25 12:56 pm
As long as you are happy without having a girlfriend but have some friends then I see no problem with the way you are living your life.
My brother did not marry until he was 39.
2008-02-25 12:55 pm
sounds rare but everyones different. of course its nothing to worry about like, i can see where your coming from with your concept its quite a bit of bother but if you give it a try and dont like it then why should you do it.

I do know a few people exactly the same unless your them lol
Its probably quite commen just people dont talk about it much as they feel its not to much of an issue

also if anyone was to say anything in offense to you there would be no reason to.

The only worry would be if it came on to late.make sure you are ok with not gettingg married as if you grow up and realize you really do want a family of your own and you leave it to late it may be fatal.
2008-02-25 12:55 pm
It sounds to me like you are a loner and really could care less if you have human contact. If you are happy with this, fine.

However, if you want to get to the root of why you are the way you are, then seek out therapy. Normally there is something in your past that triggered this.

Good luck.
2008-02-25 12:54 pm
Well, I think that if you enjoy being single, then keep on enjoying it. At least you won't have any heart breakers, but I do think you might get lonely after a while, since you're just only 24 and you're just starting to live your life.

Peace *°*
2008-02-25 1:21 pm
GET HELP!!!!!!!!!the results are that you will go around hurting other people and it's not good thsat may 5, 10 gilrs will all be saying you hurt them. besides, is that the kind of life you would rather live? i don't see any pride in something that you will live to say you did well man.ther is no pride at all in wat you are doing. i would advise you try JESUS CHRIST!
2008-02-25 12:55 pm
This will set back womankind a hundred years.
2008-02-25 12:54 pm
Your not a sheepshagger are you?

2008-02-25 12:53 pm
2008-02-25 1:09 pm
your twisted.
2008-02-25 12:54 pm
you got your penis taken away, right???
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
judging by the agression in your question I'd say you do have some issues in this area
2008-02-25 12:51 pm
so what's your problem?
2008-02-25 12:52 pm
Sure ur not gay??........erm ...... dno
2008-02-25 12:51 pm
you are a depressing person
2008-02-25 1:40 pm
it depends what your comfortable with...

who knows what normal is??!!!
2008-02-25 1:36 pm
What exactly IS normal, everyone's view on this differs, if you are happy living your life the way you are then that's fine, yes you are much more unique than most people but that doesn't make you weird, however bearing in mind you feel like this now but you can't predict how you will feel later on and if you do find the right woman in the future your opinion may well change, I'm 25 and never had a bloke myself but I could never say that I won't want someone in the future, just make the most of your life, you only have one.
2008-02-25 12:57 pm
If you are happy then so be it. You will never have to suffer heart break etc. But then you will never know the joy of true love and children. Of course, things change so don't worry and be happy while you can.
2008-02-25 3:39 pm
you should rethink the GAY thing
2008-02-25 1:31 pm
grow sum balls and start screwing sum vagina
2008-02-25 1:20 pm
If you have never had a girlfriend maybe you should go out and find one you never know you might enjoy it.
2008-02-25 1:03 pm
are you sure your not just being selfish, think about what it will be like when your old and dont have anybody in the world to take care of you.
2008-02-25 1:02 pm
dude buy a cat and consider yourself the next 40 year old virgin cause at the rate your going that the only outcome. you know the white picket fence isn't for everyone but there more to life then just work, the bar, and re-runs.
2008-02-25 12:58 pm
Obviously, you haven't met the right person yet. Did you know that your attitude will turn around 180 degrees when you finally do? You may be enjoying your single blessedness now because you're young, but when you get older and still single and alone, it will be a totally different story.
2008-02-25 12:58 pm
....Well, I dont think its normal but its u and ur gonna be u regardless so jus be happy bein u. =]
2008-02-25 12:57 pm
its not normal in the sense that being a homosexual is as it doesn't help with child production, but in the sense that humans are full of all forms of oddities, it's very normal, so no worries really, do what ya want.

btw i must stress i'm not anti-gay, i'm bi so it would be slightly hypocritical
2008-02-25 12:54 pm
i dont think theres anything wrong with you... you probably had a suppresed childhood didint you? strict parents n all? im thinking yiou dont wana have a gf and have sex coz ur not raedy for that level of comittment yet, its like your still in the "excitement phase" like you wanna climb a mountain, go sky diving, hunt for sharks or mabe go to a foreign county?
i say HAVE SOME FUN... your young, live life!! :)
2008-02-25 12:56 pm
I think you are Morrisey
2008-02-25 1:01 pm
Theres nothing wrong with it but you will end up being pretty lonely if you dont meet any one... To be honest it seems pretty sad that you will end up alone
2008-02-25 12:51 pm

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