My 'girlfriend' gave me a slap, what do i do?

2008-02-25 12:04 pm
of course I did not give her one, but my fist was shaking haha.

I'm 18 and she's 18 too. She gave me a slap because she was eating a cake...chocolate cake and joking I said 'little cow, kiss me little cow' ...was only a joke but she gave me a slap and she was serious!.... She hurt my feelings because was only a joke.

What do i do?. kisses from New ZeaLanD.

回答 (19)

2008-02-25 12:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I don't understand why people are saying girls are sensitive towards their weight. Yeah they are...but if someone called me a cow...I wouldn't regard it with my weight!! Fat cow or pig then yeah, but still I wouldn't slap my boyfriend.
Just talk to her about it, tell her exactly what you've said were upset and didn't mean it offensively and why did she get upset?
Talking things out...the best way to go!
Good luck! (Maybe your girlfriend was having a bad day!)
2008-02-25 8:11 pm
Well she sounds a little conscience of her weight a little advice never mention it again also think about it if she slapped you over this whats she gonna be like if ye have a really bad fight!!!
2008-02-25 8:10 pm
Why were you calling her a cow? You were being disrespectful but slapping you was uncalled for unless she had her mouth stuffed full of cake and couldn't reply lol
2008-02-25 8:09 pm
Do nothing, she's a bit highly strung.

Its not as if you called her a fat cow!
2008-02-25 8:41 pm
Shove her face in the cake

rip her panties off
2008-02-25 8:16 pm
she's too violence. leave her.
2008-02-25 8:12 pm
She made physical contact, bad form in this day and age, It could get worse slap one day punch the next. Look for greener pastures my friend.........
I agree with boy wonder Now if you had called her a FAT RETARDED USELESS VIOLENT COW then thats another thing........heh heh.
2008-02-25 8:11 pm
You should get rid of her.You seem like a nice fella and she sounds horrible. How would she like it if you slapped her? Just dump her and find someone who deserves you.
2008-02-25 8:11 pm
Leave her, she's got problems, its a sign of what's to come.
2008-02-25 8:10 pm
you insulted her - it was funny yo you but you will learn about girls being sensitive about food/ diet/ body etc.
put it down to experience, say you didn't mean to upset her.
also say you would rather she talked to you than hit you.
if it happens again, get out.
2008-02-25 8:13 pm
Alas, live and learn, NEVER,NEVER, indicate a negative on your lady partner's looks, ESPECIALLY relating to her size and figure.You should avoid terms of endearment involving such negatives.Tell her you love every inch of her and you always will(at your age, in a year or two, you will be with someone else).Although you hurt her feelings, she should not have hit you hard enough to hurt you-as above that is a sign of what you are in for when the to of you argue, and you will-that is normal.
2008-02-25 10:26 pm
Hitting people is always wrong!

When she is is a cool mood, you need to tell her that that is the first and last time she will ever slap you. Tell her if it ever happens again, under any circumstances, she will have finished the relationship and it will be over.

And stick to what you say. A relationship that includes hitting is not one you want to be in.
2008-02-25 9:44 pm
ignore it. she sounds a little high-maintenance! next time u say something that might be alittle risky be ready to catch her hand. if it happens again its time to tell her not to slap you - just because she's a girl doesn't mean it's ok for her to hit you in seriousness any more than it is for you to hit her!
2008-02-25 9:28 pm
say sorry before you get another slap and dont ever dare to even think about slapping her back
2008-02-25 8:27 pm
u called her a cow while eatting she mite of thought u woz calling her fat say summing like i am sorry i love u so much n all dat n b nice buy her flowers or summin gud luck xx
2008-02-25 8:13 pm
Don't let anybody slap you. Tell her it's not okay. But be sensitive to the fact that you know she doesn't like jokes like that. Making jokes about people's weight is just not ever good.
2008-02-25 8:18 pm
saying anything about a girls weight, be ready for the slap. you need to think before you speak. in todays world women get upset when being picked on (joke or not) about their weight. beg her forgiveness, and don't do it again. good luck. JD
2008-02-25 8:10 pm
talk to her, ask her why and tell her what you have just told us
2008-02-25 8:16 pm
No good at all. Slapping even though she is not cow still not good impression. Talk to her and next time you shall say goodbye!

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