hey im a student in Cardiff university, i have a part time job in a pub but id like to get a job in a bank. just wondering whether banks employ students for part time work, and if so what qualifications are needed?
I have known of many college students who worked part time at local banks. If you can count money and have some computer skills that should be enough. And because you have some work experience that will be a plus. Go for it.
I work for one of the big high st banks and we have many students who work part time. You have to be of professional appearance, able to produce acurate work and be very reliable. Students are employed to cover holidays and sickness etc and get very few second chances if you don't show so make sure you want the job before you apply. Most banks advertise on their own web site and fish for jobs, monster etc. Good luck
Yeah they do - you need lots of customer service experience. I couldn't tell you any more than that as I only just noticed it when I was looking for a new job today on job seekers - check it out.