Pausing Tamagotchi V5?

2008-02-24 10:45 pm
In the other versions you press the A button and B button to pause it but I've tried that already and it doesn't work. Please Help!!!

Also: I've already looked in the instructions and it says nothing about pausing.

回答 (6)

2008-02-24 10:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Just try again or look in the guide paper you received when you got it.
2008-02-27 9:52 am
got to the tv icon and press travel show it is the pause butten i took me a while to figure it out
2008-02-26 9:37 am
well,maybe you should try AC orBC.if i were you.i wouldn't pause it,because if you pause it,it will take more longer for it to grow into an adult.that means,the longer you pause it,the longer its going to take for your grow into an adult.
2008-02-26 7:36 am
I just got one today for my birthday. I spent some time looking on how to pause it because when I go to school they will die. This is less straight forward than other versions, but what you do is you go to the TV icon (the middle one on the bottom) with the A button and go to the "Travel Show" Then what you do is you push the B button and select "Go!" with the A button and then confirm with the B button. Until you push C to cancel, it's a cute little screensaver. Once you push C, select Yes with the A button and select with the B button. It then says "Sure?" then you select yes with the A button and select with the B button. It's sorta confusing, but you'll get used to it. I already have! :-)
Good luck with your new family!!
參考: personal experience
2008-02-25 12:53 pm
look today i went to get a tama V5 at target in stockton and they didnt have it !!
2008-02-25 6:59 am
The new way to pause the Tamagotchi:
1. Go to the tv icon on the menu.
2. Click on the T.V. Icon
3. Click on the travel channel.
4. After the introduction is finished there will be two options Go or cancel. Click go.
5. Your Tamagotchi's will lock their house and you do not have to take care of them. This is the new pause mode.
6. When you want to get out of pause, press c then it will say 'come back?' then click yes. Then it will say 'sure' and click yes again. Your Tamagotchi's will come back and you are out of pause mode. :-)
參考: I have two Tamagotchi V5's.

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