How do I block all incoming calls that had blocked my caller ID?

2008-02-24 9:55 pm
I have been getting prank calls that had blocked my caller ID, thus making them untraceable. What is the best way to stop this once and for all?

回答 (3)

2008-02-24 9:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
try using *77...!!

if that doesn't work get a caller ID manager...!
2008-02-27 1:18 pm
the only way to block incoming call is with a service called "Privacy Manager" through you local service provider with it, amy phone call coming in WITHOUT A NAME AND OR NUMBER, any unidentified number is blocked by the phone comnay and they get a recorded message saying this ohione numberdoes not accept call s from unidentified callers, this serice pricevaries from company to company
2008-02-25 10:41 am
Call your phone company and ask for blocking calls with no caller ID. When people call and their number is blocked they will get a message instructing them on how to unblock it.

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