Any cute small dogs with no fur?

2008-02-24 5:58 pm
Okay im not saying it has to be bald. lol. But I am looking for a really cute SMALL puppy. preferably one that stays small its whole life. But I HATE dog fur. I hate it. So i would prefer that it didnt shed. Any dogs like that?

回答 (10)

2008-02-24 6:14 pm
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well chinese shar-pei shed a lot and they arent small, so i dont know wat the other kid was talking about, but chinese crested are partially hairless, also do u not like dog fur or u dont like shedding, if u dont like fur on dogs then get a mexican hairless, if u dont like them shedding the fur, get a yorkie/toy poodle/bichon/shih tzu, all of those shed, but VERY VERY little, u wont even notice it.
2008-02-24 6:57 pm
if it has hair.. it sheds.. even poodles and bichons shed.. the hair does not fall off the coat easily tho, so they need daily brushing to prevent matting.

Hairless breeds include the Chinese Crested, Toy Xoloitzcuintle (mexican hairless) and the American hairless terrier... not all of them get warts and loose all their teeth as they get older. I have seen pics of some well into their teens that looked fine. "Sam" who won the uglist dog contest had a poor background.. he was a puppy mill dog and probably was not taken care of in his younger life. Just like people, good genetics and care make a difference.

My chinese crested does shed a little.. but he doesnt have much to shed.. I shed more than he does. I might find 3 dog hairs on my couch within a week's time.
2008-02-24 6:03 pm
The hairless strain of the Chinese Crested is a very cute dog until it gets old. Then it grows warts all over its face, it's teath fall out, and it looks like the chupacabra.
2016-05-23 3:20 pm
I have a shih tzu/Yorkshire Terrier mix or a hybrid called a "Shorkie". She is adorable and has hair not fur. She is a very low shedding dog (theres no such thing as a non-shedding dog) and is very low allergy. My kids have animal allergies but not to our puppy and that is why we went with this particular mix. We wanted to adopt from a shelter, but we could not find a dog at the time with what we wanted. They have a wonderful tempermant and do not bark and yip like alot of small dogs. I highly recommend this kind of pup for you. Google "Shorkie" and there's lots of pics! Good luck!
2008-02-24 6:29 pm
Um, there are PLENTY of dogs that don't shed - especially small ones.
There's the Chinese Crested [mostly hairless].
and Papillon.
If you look it on with research, you'll see plenty of companions waiting to go home with you.
2008-02-24 6:18 pm
Short haired miniature dachshunds or miniature doberman pinchers are cute.
2008-02-24 6:09 pm
yes there is the Mexican hairless dog and also the Chinese crested dog that has hair on its head and tail but that's all
2008-02-24 6:07 pm
well bichon frises dont shed and they stay small and a chihushuas are small and dont have alot of fur but only the short hair ones
2008-02-24 6:03 pm
Some dogs that don't shed are the poodle and bichon frise. If you want a dog with little hair then there's the chinese crested dog, but I believe they do shed what little they have.
2008-02-24 6:03 pm
China Shar Pei is no fur but it not small size.
Another 1 is name Chinese creat dog is no fur. ( may be the name is not correct.)

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