Neopets cash cards?

2008-02-24 4:33 pm
Ok, so I live in the UK, I would like to use NC Mall but can't use paypal I'm afraid, can anyone explain to me how these neopet cash cards work? are they like the gift cards you can buy from WHSmiths or something, when there is £10 credit on there or whatever, or are they like a credit card and connect with the whole neocash via paypal thing. Also where can you get them? they aren't on ebay or amazon and i haven't seen them in toy shops.

EDIT: i would prefer a soultion that meant i wasn't using paypal or entering creditcard numbers onto the neopets site or any other, it's not that i dont think it's unsafe or anything it's that i cannot, ie my parents won't allow it, so if i could buy something over the counter with actual money myself, rather than plastic, that would be a much better solution

回答 (1)

2008-02-24 9:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
well,you can get neocash on mall,too.just click get neocash or get nc.then enter a creadit card number,and then you will get neocash.

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 06:52:54
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