HCl 及 H2SO4(自問酸好勁的你)

2008-02-25 6:45 am
1M的HCI和0.5 M的 H2SO4
邊一隻ACID既導力能力強D ??


回答 (3)

2008-02-28 5:17 am
✔ 最佳答案

導電能力ge強弱, 係睇自由離子的濃度(concentration of mobile ions),
酸 ionized 後, H+ ion 越多, 導電能力就越強。

而HCI 同 H2SO4 都係強酸,
但係H2SO4係dibasic, 佢溶係水之後會ionized,
注意, 係分開2條equations:
(1) H2SO4--------->H+ + HSO4-
(2) HSO4- <---> H+ + SO4 2-
(1)係completely ionized: n mole H2SO4 首先會出 n mole H+
之後再進行(2), (2)係incompletely ionized: n mole H2SO4 會出返<n mole ge H+

所以係題目, 0.5 M的 H2SO4中, 入面每0.5 mole ge H2SO4會出返 0.5 + <0.5 mole ge H+
= < 1 mole ge H+

至於HCI, 只係一條equation:
HCL ---> H+ + Cl-
佢係completely ionized: n mole HCI 會出返 n mole H+
係題目, 1 M的HCl, 入面每1 mole ge HCl會出返 1 mole ge H+

所以1 M的HCl自由離子的濃度比0.5 M的 H2SO4高, 所以導電能力較強。
2008-02-25 7:22 am
強酸係濃度高的時候,the percentage of dissociation 會下降,
相反係濃度低的時候,the percentage of dissociation 會上升

所以1M的HCI的 percentage of dissociation 係低過0.5 M的 H2SO4


總括來說,0.5 M的 H2SO4的conductivity係高過1M的HCI
參考: 自己
2008-02-25 7:14 am
When acid is used as electrolyte, the most important factor is the concentration of proton. In this case, molarities of proton in two solution are the same. they have almost the same electrical conductivity.
If the cation is not proton but others such as sodium, anion determins conductivity. since sulphate ion is more bulky than chloride ion, chloride is more electrical conductive than sulphate.

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