
2008-02-25 2:08 am

回答 (3)

2008-02-25 2:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
In the lease, did you write '業主想提早收回死約物業,業主賠償一個月租金和退回一個月按金'?
If not, you may just let 租客 know, you ask him/her to leave & return the deposit. If he/she objects, then you must discuss the terms with him/her.
2008-02-25 6:46 am
如果你又好想賣, 又唔想賠九個月租金比租客, 你可以考量連租約賣吧...
2008-02-25 5:24 am
不是同樣賠償 ,如果冇在租約註明,你要賠九個月租金,賠至死約滿為止!

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