
2008-02-25 2:03 am
6. 海港安全G維港已因為填海而變得狹窄,這造成水流急喘,船隻移動的空間亦大大減少,在維港航行或進行其他水上活動已沒有以前安全。
7. 交通擠塞:每一個填海計劃都帶來更多的商業及住宅發展,這又增加對交通和道路的需求,為了興建道路,更多的填海工程又要上馬。
8. 交通管理:政府屬意興建新道路以紓緩交通擠塞,而不採用控制交通需求的方法。港島沿岸的道路系統竟然凌駕美觀、污染控制,以至市民的健康,當局卻沒有發掘其他可行的解決方法。
9. 破壞海港:填海令香港最?貴及不能取代的天然資產受到永久的破壞。
10. 空氣污染:在填海土地上的密集發展令市區的空氣污染問題嚴重,危害市民的健康。
11. 淤泥污染:維港水底的淤泥受到重金屬及生化物質嚴重污染,當局填海時必須進行的挖泥工程把淤泥攪動,污染物便會被釋放到水中。
12. 傾倒淤泥:受污染的淤泥被傾倒於赤 角機場附近的地方,影響該處一個海岸公園的自然生態,那裡有粉紅色的海豚暢泳。

回答 (1)

2008-02-25 4:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
6) Harbour safety: As Victoria Harbour is becoming narrower as reclamation, it makes water current more faster and reduce the place for ships to move. It becomes more dangerous to sail or carry out other activities in Victoria Harbour.

7) Traffic jam: Each reclamation plan brings more commercial and residential development. Then it increase the demand of traffic and roads. In order to build more roads, more reclamation plan will be started.

8) Traffic management: The government intended to build more roads to release the traffic jam, rather than proceed traffic management. They considered the traffic system in Hong Kong Island more than the health of citizens. But they sill did not carry out other possible policies.

9) Destroy the Harbour: Reclamation make the most valuable and unrenewable resource suffered eternal destroyment.

10) Air pollution: The highly concentrated buildings on the new reclamation land will cause air pollution. Also damage the health of citizens.

11) Soil pollution: The soil of the sea bed of Victoria Harbour will pollute by chemical materials. When the reclamation construction carry out, the authority needed to stir the soil, then the pollutants will release to the water.

12) Pouring soil: The polluted soil pour out to the place near chap lap kok airport, it will affect the natural ecosystem of a coast park. There are many pink dolphins.

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