
2008-02-25 2:03 am
effects of dating while studying at school
2.講三個例子講拍拖係學校時期係咩好or 唔好的結果(只選一)
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回答 (1)

2008-02-25 5:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Nowasdays, there are more and more teenagers start to date while studing at school. It had become a serious problem in Hong Kong society. I am going to dicuss the disadvantages of dating of secondary students.

First of all, dating will affect your study. You need to sacrifice your study time to date with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Many teenagers do not know how to strike a balance between study and date. They always put dating before studying, then it will affect their study badly.

Secondly, dating will upset the reputation of the school. Some students date with their partner even wearing uniforms. They kiss and hug each other in the public place and just ignore other people. It is impolite and will bring negative image to the school.

Thirdly, dating will make the relationship of classmates complicated. Students go to school is aimed at absorbing knowledge, but not to establish love relationship with classmates. Dating will destroy the pure friendship between classmates.

To conclude, dating will make you cannot concentrate on study, damage the honor of school as well as upset the friendship in class. Therefore I think dating will casue bad effects.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:18:56
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