
2008-02-25 2:02 am
1. 策略性規劃:填海令發展集中在維港一帶,剝奪了香港其他地區的發展機會。即使自80年代以來,經濟活動已開始移往中港邊境,我們仍然留守維港沿岸,造成了香港孤立於珠江三角洲這塊腹地的事實。
2. 市區重建:填海造地容易,當局便懶得進行都市規劃,引致市區重建缺乏有效的政策,很多舊區仍然荒廢,沒有得到善用。
3. 土地政策:政府拍賣由填海得來的土地,賣地收益則用來興建道路及其他海岸基建,再令政府實行的「高地價政策」多年來得以持續。
4. 文娛康樂:享受悠閒的康樂活動是追求高生活質素的重要部分,維港為香港提供文娛康樂活動的地方,這好處足以超越持續填海所得的利益。
5. 美麗景色:維港一帶由於填海加上沿岸高樓大廈縱橫錯亂,以及對自然景觀欠缺保護,已令整個城市比以前遜色,這不單對旅遊業造成負面影響,亦令市民未能享受城市美景。

回答 (1)

2008-02-25 6:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Fills in the sea to affect our each person, these influences involves
the economical, social, political and the environment stratification
plane: 1. strategies plans: Fills in the sea command to develop
concentrates area the Uygur port, has deprived the Hong Kong other
areas development opportunities. Even if since the 80's, the economic
activity started to move toward the center port frontier, we still
remained behind to take care of things the Uygur port coast, created
Hong Kong to isolate to the Zhujiang Delta this center fact. 2. urban
districts reconstruction: Fills in the sea to make easily, the
authority then is disinclined to carry on the metropolis plan, brings
about the urban district reconstruction to lack the effective policy,
very many old areas still left uncultivated, has not obtained friendly
uses. 3. agrarian policies: The government auctions by fills in the
land which the sea comes, sells the income to use for to construct the
path and other seacoast capital construction, again is implemented the
government "the high soil-rent value policy" for many years to be able
to continue. 4. recreation peace and happiness: Enjoys the leisurely
and carefree peace and happiness activity is pursues the high life
innate nature the important part, the Uygur port provides the
recreation peace and happiness activity for Hong Kong the place, this
advantage sufficiently surmounts continues to fill in the sea obtained
benefit. 5. beautiful sceneries: Area the Uygur port because fills in
the sea to add on the coast tall buildings vertically and horizontally
confusedly, as well as is short of the protection to the natural
landscape, made the entire city before is more inferior than, this not
merely has the negative influence to the tourism, also has not been
able to enjoy the resident the city beautiful scene.

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