
2008-02-25 1:59 am




回答 (2)

2008-03-02 10:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Reaclamation to be able to solve the problems of needed of places , makes
the special use. At present, the urban district soil-rent value is expensive, not
only pushed the high commercial rent, the association salary and so on other
costs also rose. Therefore, can the area have to have more lands to construct
the house, causes the working population which go to work in can the area
may in neighbor live, reduces coming and going to work Fatigue of travel.
Fills in the sea although is not best solution, but obviously is its plan.
(2)May open in a shorter time results in the land, supplies to construct the
ransportation infrastructure, relieves Hong Kong some places seriously to pack the situation, extremely has the efficiency. For example: West the area cross-harbour tunnel, has used drives the public figure to be able to support this new tunnel without hesitation; But this tunnel has a part is depends on fills in the sea to ward off constructs.
(3)Reclamations can provide the land to supply to expand the business district,
to construct the Hong Kong
conference exhibition center new wing,
as well as rests with. These improved peace and happiness facility, Hui
Chipen port resident and tourist, but seashore corridor also facilitates the
public to enjoy the Victoria port the view.

(4)Lets the massive inert waste material which the architectural engineering
produces have the opportunity to abandon, thus the reclamation becomes the
precious new land, with or takes the public dump area for the development

2008-02-29 6:21 pm
Fills in the sea to be able enough to provide the relief question to use, makes
the special use. At present, the urban district soil-rent value is expensive, not
only pushed the high commercial rent, the association salary and so on other
costs also rose. Therefore, can the area have to have more lands to construct
the house, causes the working population which go to work in can the area
may in neighbor live, reduces coming and going to work Fatigue of travel.
Fills in the sea although is not best solution, but obviously is its plan.

(2)May open in a shorter time results in the land, supplies to construct the
transportation infrastructure, relieves Hong Kong some places seriously to
pack the situation, extremely has the efficiency. Also for example: West the
area cross-harbour tunnel, has used drives the public figure to be able to
support this new tunnel without hesitation; But this tunnel has a part is
depends on fills in the sea to ward off constructs.

(3)Fills in the sea project to provide the land to supply to expand the business district, to construct the Hong Kong
conference exhibition center new wing,
as well as rests with. These improved peace and happiness facility, Hui
Chipen port resident and tourist, but seashore corridor also facilitates the
public to enjoy the Victoria port the view.

(4)Lets the massive inert waste material which the architectural engineering
produces have the opportunity to abandon, thus the reclamation becomes the
precious new land, with or takes the public dump area for the development.
參考: yahoo bable fish

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 21:10:41
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