中五maths題!plz help

2008-02-25 1:35 am
Q: A merchant bought an article for $x .
He put in his shop for sale at a marked price 70% higher than its cost.
The article was then sold to a customer at a discount of 5%.

a) What was the percentage gain for the merchant by selling the article?
b) If the customer paid $2907 for the article, find the value of x.


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marked price 70% higher than its cost.
所以marked price=1.7x
sold to a customer at a discount of 5%.
所以selling price=1.7x * (1-0.05)=1.615x

a) percentage gain= (final price-original price)/original price * 100%
=(1.615x-x)/x *100%
b)個客畀左幾左錢=selling price
所以 2907=1.615x
x =1800
記住個係x=1800, 唔係x=$1800
參考: me
2008-02-25 1:51 am

Selling Price = X x 1.7 x 0.95
Selling Price = X x 1.615

Therefore the Percentage Gain = 61.5%

b) If Selling Price = 2907, X = 2907/1.615 = 1800.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 16:16:44
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