short cancer treatments????

2008-02-24 3:02 am
Ok my boyfriend was diagnosed with cancer about 4 almost 5 months ago and hes been taking chemo for almost 2 months now, but is it possible that hes done with his chemo already? hes said that when he last went in to get his chemo he started throwing up at the doctors and they said that that wasnt usual with how bad he was throwing up. They check him again and its seem that his cancer is almost completely gone just two more shots of it and it will kill it all off, and that the chemo was too strong for his system now and thats why hes been thowing up. Is any of this possible?!?! or is this just some like make believe dream?

is such a short treatment time possible?

回答 (4)

2008-02-29 2:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, it's possible.

Here's some more information that may be useful:
CANCER: On the news a while back it was found that Swedish scientists found that human breast milks kills cancer in a petri dish. People who drink it have had some success in fighting off cancer.

You need a prescription and it's not cheap to obtain, but it works.
2008-02-24 5:02 am
Ok, so it depends on what kind of cancer he has. For different types of cancer, the treatments can vary quite a bit. Example, for early stage testicular cancer, treatment would involve 3 cycles of chemotherapy that lasts 3 weeks per cycle. So 9 weeks of therapy would not be an unusual amount of time for therapy. Chemotherapy can make people quite sick, especially if the cancer is a curable one, where the strongest drugs are given as close together as possible. Generally side effects can be pretty well alleviated with anti-nausea medications that are available these days.
2008-02-24 4:48 am
Even if the cancer seems to be gone, he will need to continue with follow up check ups for several years to make sure it doesn't come back.

When I was doing chemo someone gave me a cartoon of a doctor giving several perscriptions to the patient saying the yellow ones are for the illness, the red ones are to treat the side effects of the yellow ones and the blue ones are to treat the side effects of the red ones.
2008-02-24 3:23 am
Yes, the chemicals used in the treatment of cancer can cause nausea and vomiting. Acupuncture, chi-kung exercise, and medical marijuana have been reported to be helpful in alleviating such side effects.

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