How much is my Game Boy Pocket worth?

2008-02-24 12:21 am
It was purchased around the year 1996 or 1997, and it has a few signs of wear, including a small black ink stain near the screen. The battery door is missing, and the serial number sticker is peeling, due to the use of the system. I'm wondering because I'm thinking about selling it and using the money for something I've really wanted for a while.

回答 (8)

2008-02-24 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
keep it it will be worth more years from now
2016-10-15 11:46 am
Gameboy Pocket Value
2016-04-08 8:09 pm
For the best answers, search on this site

Nintendo sold so many Game Boys that it's very unlikely the supply will ever get low enough for a good value for you. And as emulation combined with more powerful handheld devices (smartphones, etc.) leads to easier ways for most people to play the games, the demand will be limited even more. I wouldn't expect the value to increase appreciably. Just sell it and treat your girl to a disappointingly cheap night out.
2016-03-16 11:11 am
I think that it will be. By now people traded them back in to Nintendo and stuff. I mean right now I think it would be cool to buy one because it would be the original. And maybe like 20 years from who knows what Nintendo will come up with it and then you will have the very first. Do not throw it away. Save it.
2015-08-24 8:09 pm
This Site Might Help You.

How much is my Game Boy Pocket worth?
It was purchased around the year 1996 or 1997, and it has a few signs of wear, including a small black ink stain near the screen. The battery door is missing, and the serial number sticker is peeling, due to the use of the system. I'm wondering because I'm thinking about selling it and...
參考: game boy pocket worth:
2008-02-24 2:55 am
The most you'd get out of it is $20. If you sitll want to sell it, sell it on Ebay, not at EB Games or GameStop. You would get like $5 for it there.
2008-02-24 1:36 am
well,maybe if somebody like it,they will give you more money.but if they don't like it,they will pay you less it depends on who you are selling to.
2008-02-24 12:31 am
trust me not much if you try to like turn it in to like a gamestop it wiil probably be like from $30 to $5 tops your best best is to either sell it to some sucker or check eb ay and see how much they are selling them 4
2008-02-24 12:29 am
ebay around 10 bucks
2008-02-24 12:25 am
Try looking on Ebay to see what others are paying, that should give you a good idea.

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