should i get a tamagotchi v5?

2008-02-23 11:15 pm
What's good and what's bad about them?Please type ur review

回答 (4)

2008-02-25 2:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
that is kind of a yes and no. To start off the good things about the v5 is that you don't have to do 3 times the work like for example when the eat, they share 1 plate and when they poop there's only one poop on the screen. also, the screen in now 1.5 inches so it's bigger than the previous versions. There is a new world called tamaexpo where you can play games from different cultures and buy items of different cultures. The downside of it is that you can't connect to previous versions because of the screen size and now all tamagotchis go to bed at 9:00pm and wake up at 7:00am and there is 4 games but you can only play 2 [the other two you need to be on 2nd generation to play] and the screen is a lot lighter but you can change the resolution. And this version its takes longer to get to the 2nd generation, its takes 2 days for a child to become and teen, 2 days for a teen to become and adult and you need to wait 2 days until your adult can marry. So i hope i helped you!!
參考: i have a v5 myself
2008-02-27 9:54 am
they r awsomly fun u should get one i have 6
2008-02-25 5:41 am
well,i already got aV.4,i think they have good thing and bad thing.the good thing is,you can play with it when you have noting to do.the bad thing is,you can't take it to school because the teachers will take it.
2008-02-24 7:25 am
tamagotchis are so old. my friend told me if you get one version, there will always be a better one coming, save your money

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