
2008-02-24 5:32 am


回答 (4)

2008-02-24 5:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Besides paying attention to academic credits because of this school, also encourage classmates to participate in the different kinds of extracurricular activities and sports activity, I think in this way can explore classmate different abilitying, helpful student development in an all-round way.
2008-02-29 5:45 am
Whichever you choose, I suggest that you should still get someone to correct it. None of the above answer is perfect English. Some have spelling mistakes, some have sentence structure problems. Therefore I did not vote for any of the above.
2008-02-24 6:56 am
Aside from emphasising the academic achevements, the school also encourages the students to participate in various type of extra-curriculum actvities and sport events. I believe that this way of doing is able to reveal students' abilities and help their developments from tip to toe.
2008-02-24 5:39 am
It's because this school is not only focus on acadamic results, but also encourages its students to join various kind of extra-curricular activities and sports, I think that it can bring up students' different tallent, and help them develop wholly.
參考: me & my sister

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