
2008-02-24 12:37 am
若果我想話~兩塊石頭上刻上 天涯海角 ~點用英文譯番

回答 (5)

2008-02-24 12:46 am
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兩塊石頭上刻上 天涯海角
In two stones engraves ends of the earth
2008-02-24 1:26 am
"margin of the Earth" has been craved on two stones
2008-02-24 1:11 am
1. "End of the Earth" has been craved on two stones.
2. The words "Tian Ya Hai Jiao" have been craved on two stones.
3. Craving the words"Tian Ya Hai Jiao" on two stones.
4. Craving the sentence "End of the Earth" on two stones.
2008-02-24 1:05 am
Engrave "End of the margin of the world " on two pieces of stones

2008-02-23 17:06:57 補充:
Engrave" The margin of the world " on two pieces of stones 咁好似好D
2008-02-24 1:04 am
There have two stones that engraves the ends of the sky and the sea.

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