有冇人可以幫我搵一D 英文idioms係關於body parts嫁????急!!20點!!!!

2008-02-24 12:27 am
指定4句英文idioms,要係關於body parts既,我要既唔係4句idioms就得,而係要用4句idioms來做一個presentation既script,唔好錯grammar,D idioms愈難愈好。

回答 (1)

2008-02-24 1:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. fall/land on one's feet : (病後, 事業失敗後等)迅速恢復(尤指僥倖)
2. rush/run sb off his feet : 把某人累壞了; 使某人疲於奔命
3. stand on one's own feet : 獨立自主; 自立
4. have feet of clay : 有某種根本的弱點或錯誤
5. put one's foot down : 堅決反對某人想做的事
6. put one's foot in it : 說的話或做的事使人煩惱,得罪人或令人難堪
7. ten feet tall : 沾沾自喜; 自鳴得意

1. all hands to the pump : 人人都該出把力
2. gain/win sb's hand : 獲得某人本人對婚事的應允
3. (be) hand in glove (with sb) : 密切合作
4. have one's hands free/tie : 可以[不能]自行其是
6. live from hand to mouth : 僅能滿足眼前的基本需要(尤指食物方面)
7. set one's hand to sth : 簽署(尤指正式文件)
8. turn one's hand to sth : (能夠)擔任某工作

1. get it into one's head that... : 充分了解到...; 認識到...
2. give sb his head : 讓某人隨意而為
3. have one's head in the clouds : 想入非非; 做白日夢
4. have one' head screwed on (the right way) : 頭腦清醒
5. heads I win, tails you lose : 正面我贏, 反面你輸(反正都是我贏;我贏定了)
6. heads will roll (for sth) : 有些人(因某事)要倒霉
7. put one's head in the noose : 自投羅網; 找死
8. on sb's/one's (own) head be it : 某人[自己]將承擔一切後果

1. down in the mouth : 沮喪; 情緒低落
2. out of the mouths of babes and sucklings : 黃口小兒的話也常有道理

1. be all fingers and thumbs : 笨手笨腳
2. get, pull, etc a/one's fingers out : 別再偷懶; 幹快一點
3. have/keep one's finger on the pulse : 充分了解或掌握最近的消息, 情況等
4. put the finger on sb : 向警方等提供(尤指罪犯)情況
5. work one's fingers to the bone : 非常努力地工作

1. by a nose : 以少許之差
2. cut off one's nose to spite one's face : 想報復別人而害了自己
3. get up sb's nose : 惹惱某人; 使人生厭
4. with one's nose in the air : 非常傲慢; 自高自大

1. break one's neck (doing sth/to do sth) : 拼命做某事
2. get it in the neck : 因某事而受到嚴厲叱責或處罰
3. neck and crop : 完全地; 全部地
4. neck of the woods : 地區; 附近
5. neck or nothing : 冒很大危險; 拼命
參考: 字典

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