醫療化驗科學& biochem

2008-02-23 8:47 pm
醫療化驗科學& biochem
i like bio & 成績會好過chem
但聽人講bio 出路好少
so 唔諗住choose bio
if biochem & 醫療化驗科學 邊科較岩我?
& biochem 有咩出路(if 唔去外國)

回答 (1)

2008-02-23 9:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have studied both bio and biochem.
well, bio involve mostly bio (a little chem) and biochem involve A LOT of chemistry,
醫療化驗科學is harder than jus bio, much harder and need to learn more.
but you will still need to do some chemistry courses for that subject.
hopes this help

and i think u should choose the subject you like more>>(jus my opinion)

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