
2008-02-23 8:08 pm

我要搞返好佢!!! 要點先可以搞掂佢咧?

回答 (3)

2008-02-23 8:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先你不用大驚小怪, 因為呢d野好正常!

但係你想可以比我丫媽知, 我覺得咁你就錯啦!

因為我地ge丫媽最清楚呢d野, 她們最有經驗的!!

而且萬一你唔小心做錯一d步驟的話, 事情可大可小的!!!!!!


因為這些現象好正常, 個個女孩子都有, 唔係一d虧心事!!!!!!!


Hope I can help you!~
參考: me
2008-02-23 10:59 pm
The frequency of nocturnal emissions is highly variable. Some men have experienced large numbers of nocturnal emissions as teenagers, while others have never experienced one. 83 percent of men in the United States will eventually experience nocturnal emissions at some time in their lives. Surveys in non-western countries where masturbation is culturally suppressed show 98 percent or more of the men eventually experience nocturnal emissions. For males who have experienced nocturnal emissions the mean frequency ranges from 0.36 times per week for single 15 year old males to 0.18 times per week for 40 year old single males. For married males the mean ranges from 0.23 times per week for 19 year old married males to 0.15 times per week for 50 year old married males.

Some have the dreams only at a certain age, while others have them throughout their lives following puberty. The frequency that one has nocturnal emissions has not been conclusively linked to one's frequency of masturbation. Widely-known sex researcher Alfred Kinsey found "There may be some correlation between the frequencies of masturbation and the frequencies of nocturnal dreams. In general the males who have the highest frequencies of nocturnal emissions may have somewhat lower rates of masturbation. Some of these males credit the frequent emissions to the fact that they do not masturbate; but it is just as likely that the reverse relationship is true, namely, that they do not masturbate because they have frequent emissions." For women the correlation is also short of conclusive; "According to Kinsey's findings, women who suddenly lost the opportunity for several coital orgasms per week had only a few more orgasms in their sleep per year."

One factor that can affect the number of nocturnal emissions a person has is whether they take testosterone-based drugs. In a 1998 study, the number of boys reporting nocturnal emissions drastically increased as their testosterone doses were increased, from 17% of subjects with no treatment to 90% of subjects at a high dose.

During puberty, 13 percent of males experience their first ejaculation as a result of a nocturnal emission.Kinsey found that males experiencing their first ejaculation through a nocturnal emission were older than those experiencing their first ejaculation by means of masturbation. The study indicates that such a first ejaculation resulting from a nocturnal emission was delayed a year or more from what would have been developmentally possible for such males through physical stimulation.

Whereas an ejaculation normally terminates an erection, in the case of nocturnal emission, the subject often still has a functional erection afterward.[citation needed]

Although purported treatments to help prevent or diminish nocturnal emissions are available in abundance, none are known to have undergone any kind of rigorous experimentation or approval process such as that required by the Food and Drug Administration. Like the hiccups, there are a huge variety of "home remedies" with no scientific basis. Moreover, because no proven physical harm (beyond the inconvenience of cleaning the semen ejaculate) is caused by the event and it is not symptomatic of any underlying problem, it is generally considered inadvisable to undergo any sort of treatment.

Involuntary orgasms can occur during waking hours in both sexes, but these are rare.

Regarding women, a 1953 study by Kinsey found that 40% of women experienced at least one orgasm during sleep by the age of 45, and a 1986 study published in the Journal of Sex Research found that 85% of women who have experienced orgasms during sleep first did so at a young age — before the age of 21, and some before 13.
2008-02-23 9:58 pm
我個msn:[email protected]

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